加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘JESIE.USA 苏教国际美国中心招聘暑期领队
诚挚招聘暑期学生团领队 炎炎暑假马上要到了,你还在烦闷参加什么活动能让你度过一个充实而有意义的暑假吗?2019年,苏教国际苏美中心-JESIE.USA ,为广大学生们提供沟通锻炼的平台,现在诚挚招聘暑期学生团领队,让你的暑假拥有非凡意义,为你带来最为精彩难忘的美好回忆 。你还在等什么,赶快来报名参加吧! 苏美中心立足美国洛杉矶,专业提供留学丶修学丶专业培训等服务,致力于搭建国际教育交流平台。是由多个热爱教育事业丶有志于促进中美文化丶教育交流的国际专家以及留学美国,回报祖国的海外学子而组成。 领队需求: 美国在校或毕业学生; 持有美国合法工作身份:CPT, OPT或绿卡身份; 拥有强烈责任感和耐心,对学生充满爱心; 中英文俱佳, 可以读写中文; 拥有团队精神,拥有良好沟通能力和应变能力; 具有创造力,服从工作安排; 拥有美国驾照,且良好的行驶记录,如无也可考虑; 报名方式:请投送简历到 [email protected].; 更多资讯请关注微信公众平台:JESIEUSA 或者来电咨询:626.921.4178,ext203 2019 summer is coming--- Team Leaders Needed! Summer is coming. You may still consider where you can get more work experience to spend a long summer vacation. JESIE.USA (Jiangsu-California International Education Center, Inc.) will set up a platform for you to practice your communication and cooperation skills. We are recruiting Summer TEAM LEADERS. We believe that you will have a wonderful and unforgettable summer experience. What are you waiting for? Just join us and sign up for it! Qualifications: · Education background: Bachelor Degree in United States or above · CPT, OPT ,green card status,Citizen · Be patient and have a strong sense of responsibility · Proficient in both English and Chinese · Team Leaders need to complete a daily report in Chinese · Have cooperative skills, good communication skills, and need to be flexible · Must be proficient and accurate in computer use, including Microsoft Word. · Maintains current and valid driver's license, a good driving record, mechanically safe vehicle, adequate auto insurance, be acceptable by Harbor's insurance carrier and complies with Harbor's transportation policy and procedures. Sign up: Please send your resume to [email protected]. For more information, please visit wechat platform: JESIEUSA If you have any more questions, please contact us at 626.921.4178 ext.203
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