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SSAT阅读中之前有不少同学发私信问张俊鹏老师,老师讲的是很好的,但有些同学想偷懒,问我有没有什么速成的方式。张俊鹏老师之前的笔记讲过,同学们哪里不了解的可以搜SSAT张俊鹏老师找到之前的文章看一下,相信大家会有不少的收获。张老师wechat id:250214280l 在平常练习时固定SSAT阅读模式 考试时SSAT阅读时间也很重要,这就要求我们在练习时,眼睛扫描文字,大脑处理文字信息,手上做好标注,以及主旨。这种方式会养成良好的习惯,在考试占据很大优势。张老师wechat id:250214280 ■考试提高SSAT阅读速度,把语言带入生活。 SSAT阅读要求考生在40分钟内阅读7-8篇左右的文章,文章一共有40题,这就要求考生们提高阅读速度,以及正确率,同学们不妨在生活中,尽可能用全英阅读,对于咱们的学生来讲,一方面加强英语训练,一方面加强语感以及词汇记忆。张俊鹏老师有两种方法大家用力训练。 1,是大量泛读名著,比如双语版悲惨世界丶红与黑。不仅充实知识还提高阅读速度,然后每天选择一个30分钟时间段静下心来读。 2,限时训练。张俊鹏老师这里推荐大家在阅读的时候进行计时,以便不断提高阅读速度。 ■提高SSAT阅读得分率阅读分数高,同样意为着失分率也高,所以我们做题时要把握题目的正确率, SSAT阅读考试中,基础题型主旨题和细节题能占到25道左右。相对比较简单,得分的概率更高。推理题难度较大。建议大家不要着急做题,要保证做一道对一道。程度好的学生遇到不确定的题目可以考虑放弃,这是高分策略。做题慢的同学可以考虑主攻细节和主旨,并保证正确率。张俊鹏老师呢,这里讲个SSAT真题来做一下讲解The victory of the small Greek democracy of Athens over the mighty Persian empire in 490 B. C. is one of the most famous events in history. Darius, king of the Persian empire, was furious because Athens had interceded for the other Greek city-states in revolt against Persian domination. In anger the king sent an enormous army to defeat Athens. He thought it would take drastic steps to pacify the rebellious part of the empire. Persia was ruled by one man. 公元前490年, 雅典的小希腊民主国家战胜了强大的波斯帝国, 这是历史上最著名的事件之一。波斯帝国之王大流士大发雷霆, 因为雅典曾为希腊其他城邦进行过反抗波斯统治的调解。国王怒气冲冲地派出一支庞大的军队去击败雅典。他认为这将采取激烈的措施来安抚帝国的叛逆部分。波斯被一个人统治。 In Athens, however, all citizens helped to rule. Ennobled by this participation, Athenians were prepared to die for their city-state. Perhaps this was the secret of the remarkable victory at Marathon, which freed them from Persian rule. On their way to Marathon, the Persians tried to fool some Greek city-states by claiming to have come in peace. The frightened citizens of Delos refused to believe this. Not wanting to abet the conquest of Greece, they fled from their city and did not return until the Persians had left. They were wise, for the Persians next conquered the city of Etria and captured its people. 然而, 在雅典, 所有公民都帮助统治。雅典人为了这种参与而崇高, 准备为他们的城邦而死。也许这就是马拉松赛取得显著胜利的秘诀, 它使他们摆脱了波斯统治。在去参加马拉松赛的路上, 波斯人试图通过声称和平来愚弄一些希腊城邦。被吓坏的德洛斯市民拒绝相信这一点。他们不想放弃对希腊的征服, 就逃离了自己的城市, 直到波斯人离开才回来。他们很聪明, 因为波斯人接下来征服了埃特里亚市, 占领了埃特里亚市的人民。 Tiny Athens stood alone against Persia. The Athenian people went to their sanctuaries. There they prayed for deliverance. They asked their gods to expedite their victory. The Athenians refurbished their weapons and moved to the plain of Marathon, where their little band would meet the Persians. At the last moment, soldiers from Plataea reinforced the Athenian troops. 微小的雅典独自对抗波斯。雅典人去了他们的避难所。在那里, 他们祈祷得到拯救。他们要求他们的神加快他们的胜利。雅典人翻新了他们的武器, 搬到马拉松平原, 他们的小乐队将在那里会见波斯人。在最后一刻, 来自普拉塔埃亚的士兵加强了雅典部队。 The Athenian army attacked, and Greek citizens fought bravely. The power of the mighty Persians was offset by the love that the Athenians had for their city. Athenians defeated the Persians in archery and hand combat. Greek soldiers seized Persian ships and burned them, and the Persians fled in terror. Herodotus, a famous historian, reports that 6400 Persians died, compared with only 192 Athenians. 雅典军队进攻, 希腊公民勇敢地作战。强大的波斯人的力量被雅典人对他们城市的爱所抵消。雅典人在射箭和徒手作战中击败了波斯人。希腊士兵扣押波斯船只并烧毁他们, 波斯人吓得逃走了。著名历史学家希罗多德报告说, 有6400波斯人死亡, 而雅典人只有192名。 25 Athens had ____the other Greek city-states against the Persians. 雅典有希腊其他城邦反对波斯人。 A. refused help to拒绝帮助 B. intervened on behalf of B 代表干预C. wanted to fight 想打D. given orders for all to fight命令所有战斗E. defeated e. 击败张俊鹏老师带领大家看一下全文,这里根据上文可以猜出雅典代表希腊,那么代表intervened on behalf of就是B因为只有这个选项是代表干预。 26. Darius took drastic steps to ___ the rebellious Athenians. 大流士采取了激烈的措施来对待叛逆的雅典人。A. weaken B. destroy C. calm D. placate E. answer not available这里考察的是词汇的同义性,这几个词都表达了削弱,那么根据词性分析,这里选C 27. Their participation___to the Athenians. 他们对雅典人的参与 A. gave comfort B. gave honor C. gave strength D. gave fear E. gave hope 28. The people of Delos did not want to ___ the conquest of Greece. 德洛斯的人民不想征服希腊。 A. end B. encourage C. think about D. daydream about E. answer not available 29. The Athenians were ___by some soldiers who arrived from Plataea. 雅典人被一些从普拉塔埃亚赶来的士兵所决定。 A. welcomed B. strengthened C. held D. captured E. answer not available(五)答案 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. B张俊鹏老师今天就讲到这里了,希望张俊鹏老师的讲解对大家有帮助,想了解更多可以搜SSAT张俊鹏老师,查看往期张俊鹏老师发布的文章或者干货,进行学习,相信会对大家有一定帮助
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