加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘精准定位广告与数位行销课程
报名网站: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/clientspop-20109028708 报名电话: 6262533769 主要面向企业老板丶企业管理人员丶 Marketing主管。 通过学习充分了解精准定位广告与数位行运作的规律丶战略丶策略和技巧,能高瞻远瞩。对Digital Marketing数位营销整体工作了然于胸,避免只见树木不见森林。About this Event课程主题- Digital Marketing 概况丶趋势与应对 Status Quo, Trend & Reaction- 搜索引擎优化 (SEO) Search Engine Optimization- 网络生态系统的建立与优化 Establish Web Eco-System and Optimization.-客户评价管理与增强企业美誉度 Reputation Management & Increase the quantity of good feedback- 数位广告 Digital Advertising- 邮件推广 Email Marketing- 社交媒体推广 Social Media Marketing- 手机推广 Mobile Marketing- 测评与分析 Analytics- 电话追踪 Call Tracking,让你清晰知道哪个平台投放广告更有效 Track calls to see clearly which ad channel is more effective- KPI of Marketing Team 关键业绩指标是什么? What is the KPI of the Marketing Team?- Conversion Rate. Marketing环节与Sales环节转化率指标的建议From Marketing to Sales, suggestions on how to improve the conversion rate.- 竞争对手分析,了解对手的网络表现。SWOT: 优势丶劣势丶竞争丶机会丶威胁分析Analyze your competitor’s web presence to know about their SWOT- Marketing团队管理的秘诀 Secrets in managing your marketing team- 团队与领袖之间的关系 Relationship between a team and the leader- 什么是商业模式 What is a business model- 什么是好的商业模式 What is a good business model?-公司的七个管理原则 7 Principles a start up company should pay attention.Course will be in Mandarin Chinese. 课程将用中文。我们不只是培训机构我们是海外华人#1 Digital Marketing Platform
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