加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘免费汉语拼音及口语班招生中——Alhambra市力源中
Free Chinese Pinyin & Speaking Training 免费汉语拼音及口语班 力源中文学校Leeyuen Chinese School 课程由从事中文教学三十余年,并持有中国国家级普通话测试员资格证书的杜老师亲自教授。 This class is taught by Mrs. Du, who has been teaching Chinese for 30 years with her license of being a member in the National Mandarin Training Center. 开课日期Session Dates: 2/1-3/21/2020 (8 weeks/free of tuition共8周,学费全免) 上课时间Session Time: Saturday 3:10-4:00pm 每星期六下午3:10-4:00 学生年龄Student Age: 5-15岁 上课地点Location: 101 S Atlantic Blvd Alhambra, CA 91801 (Youth Building青少年活动中心) 注册费Registration: $50联系电话Contact:(626)757-2730 *课后班与周六班2020年招生中
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