加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘中文家教-喜瑞都 博蒙特
大家好!我是中文家教丽海老师!我曾参加过国务院汉办在美国及中国举办的海外中文教师培训,并获证书!我拥有多年的教授经验和自己独特的教学之道,那就是根据不同年龄段的学生设计不同的教学规划,我的目的是在于激发学生们对学习中文的热情和兴趣。3岁至5岁的幼儿班是以游戏的形式,在快乐轻松愉快的环境下学习中文,以听和说为主,教会孩子说一口流利的中文;5岁以上的学生,不但学会听、说、讲,还要写好漂亮的中文字;我们同时推出不受地区限制的网络授课,3至5岁幼儿每次上课一小时或两个小时;5岁以上儿童可根据需要增加至每次3个小时。快快来报名吧,前30名有特价优惠噢!我用自己的爱心、耐心和责任心教授学生热爱中国文化,传播中国文化,让更多在海外的中国孩子都学好中文,讲好标准普通话。我愿做中国文化的传播使者,让更多的人通过学习中文,了解中国,了解中国文化,更加热爱中国!! 我采用暨南大学出版的中文教材,课程形式包括一对一和小班制授课,上课时间灵活可协商!我每周一至周五在喜瑞都以及周边城市;每周六和周日在博蒙特这个城市授课。欢迎有需要有兴趣学中文的朋友以微信的方式联系我!微信号:lili7147577228,现在开始报名,2月份开课啦!Hello,everyone! I am Lihai,a Chinese tutor. I once attended the overseas Chinese teacher training held by the Hanban of the State Council in the United States and China, and got the certificate! I have many years of teaching experience and my own unique teaching method, which is to design different teaching plans according to students of different ages. My purpose is to arouse students" enthusiasm and interest in learning Chinese. Children aged 3 to 5 learn Chinese in a happy, relaxed and pleasant environment in the form of games, mainly listening and speaking, teach your child to speak fluent Chinese;Students over 5 years old not only learn to listen, speak and speech, but also write beautiful Chinese characters. At the same time, we offer online classes with no local restrictions, with children aged 3 to 5 attending classes for one or two hours at a time. Children over 5 years of age may increase to 3 hours per session as required. Come and sign up, the first 30 have special discounts!I contribute to my love, patience and responsibility to teach students to love Chinese culture, spread Chinese culture, so that more Chinese children abroad can learn Chinese and speak good standard mandarin. I would like to be the messenger of Chinese culture, so that more people learn Chinese, understand China, understand Chinese culture, and love China more!I use the Chinese textbook published by Jinan University. The course format includes one-to-one and small-class teaching. The class time is flexible and negotiable. I"m in Cerritos and the surrounding cities every Monday to Friday; Classes are given every Saturday and Sunday in the city of Beaumont. Welcome anyone interested in learning Chinese to contact me by WeChat:lili7147577228 Registration starts now, class starts in February!
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