加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘一起来学古诗呀
Talented, exuberant, and arrogant Li Bai interprets the world's most poetic farewell, turning his deep farewell into sorrow into an endless longing for the beauty in the distance. In the prosperous era of the Yuan Dynasty, March in the spring and the spring, the season of Ying Fei Cao, Huang He Lou, a place with beautiful scenery, wide field of vision, and water and sky. Talented, exaggerated, and arrogant, the great poet Li Bai bid farewell to Meng Haoran, an equally idyllic poet, who went to Yangzhou. Although there are many perseverances and many misses, in this bustling era, bustling area, and bustling season, the two handsome and elegant poets are more yearning for the blossoming Jinzhou, and the infinite expectation for a bright future. So the most poetic parting in the world was performed: the fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March; the most romantic wave: only the Yangtze River skyline. Please enjoy Li Bai's "Guangling Mausoleum from Huanghelou to Meng Haoran" by Classical Poem 26: https://go.onelink.me/8Aab/5e132bdb 才华横溢,霸气外露,气吞山河的李白,演绎着世间最有诗意的离别,把浓浓的送别忧伤内化为对远方美好的无穷向往。 开元盛世,阳春三月,莺飞草长的时节,黄鹤楼,一个风景优美,视野开阔的,水天一色的地方。才华横溢,霸气外露,气吞山河的大诗人李白送别同样风华冠绝的田园风格大诗人孟浩然去扬州。尽管有许多不舍,许多思念,但在这个繁华时代,繁华地区,繁华季节,两位风流潇洒的大诗人更多的是对那繁花似锦扬州的向往,对美好未来的无穷期盼。于是演绎出世间最有诗意的离别:烟花三月下扬州;最为浪漫的挥手:唯见长江天际流。 请欣赏经典古诗26之李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》: https://go.onelink.me/8Aab/5e132bdb 才华横溢,霸气外露,气吞山河的李白,演绎著世间最有诗意的离别,把浓浓的送别忧伤内化为对远方美好的无穷向往。 开元盛世,阳春三月,莺飞草长的时节,黄鹤楼,一个风景优美,视野开阔的,水天一色的地方。才华横溢,霸气外露,气吞山河的大诗人李白送别同样风华冠绝的田园风格大诗人孟浩然去扬州。尽管有许多不舍,许多思念,但在这个繁华时代,繁华地区,繁华季节,两位风流潇洒的大诗人更多的是对那繁花似锦扬州的向往,对美好未来的无穷期盼。于是演绎出世间最有诗意的离别:烟花三月下扬州;最为浪漫的挥手:唯见长江天际流。 请欣赏经典古诗26之李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》: https://go.onelink.me/8Aab/5e132bdb
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