加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘(超实惠)学生家教周末补习英语中文数学 math/
美国本地学生,GAP高,成绩优秀,想在周末找兼职。辅导小学生中文数学,新移民学生英语语法/口语交流。可以自由选择一个周末时间在我们Monterey Park 的图书馆上课,或者附近上门教学。学费便宜,一对一一小时30元,因为本人是学生,想锻炼提升下自己。感兴趣的家长,可以联系我,第一节试课一小时只要25块钱,补课时间灵活,电话:6266256286!如果在星期一到星期五期间,请在下午三点后打电话或发短信。谢谢!如若有补习机构周末想招老师,也请联系我,谢谢!I am a high school student.These days I am looking for a part-time job.I have a strong GPA and I am learning calculus now.Meanwhile, I can speak Chinese fluently.If you want your child to learn Chinese and Math, please connect me! Tutoring time is flexible and location can be Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library. You only need to pay $15 an hour! If you are interested, please contact me.Also, the first class is only $10 and you can choose whether or not to continue after the first class!Tel: 6266256286! Please call me or massage me after 3:00 pm during Monday to Friday. Thank you!
·学习交流 纽卡斯尔大学的MBA
·生活百科 出口有限按需