加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘钢琴 网课 家教
开设一对一钢琴网课教学。多年助教及教学经验,全年龄段教学,融合乐理和视唱练耳。因隔离期不方便面对面教学,故开设网课教学。需要家里有一台钢琴或者键盘。上课通过视频联系。4岁开始学习钢琴,目前在CSULB继续深造钢琴专业,曾师从多位名师,开设过个人独奏会。有兴趣的请联系E-mail: [email protected]手机: (909)480-6936wechat:KamiMsamaHello everyone, I'm now offering online private piano lessons for all ages.Started to study the piano since 4, has been studied with students of world-class classical pianists, and now majoring performance in CSULB.Has experience with tutoring and teaching piano for all ages, teaching will include all the essential musical elements to help understanding the keyboard.Student has to have a piano or keyboard at home, and lesson will be operated thru video calls.If you are interested, contact:E-mail: [email protected]: (909)480-6936Wechat:KamiMsama
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