加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘Maaaxter English "Start With The ABC's"英语发
知名实用美式英语教学YouTuber Maggie毕业于美国南加州大学(University Of Southern California),获公共管理硕士学位(MPA)。毕业后创建的YouTube频道Maaaxtr English颇受海外华人的喜爱,是大家学习日常生活中实用英语的好去处。Maggie的线上免费英语教学视频生动活泼丶贴近生活,并在近期应大家请求开设了第一期英语发音思维课程“Start With The ABC's", 课程包括最基础也是最重要的字母表发音丶元辅音发音丶英语思维方式丶断句丶连音丶强调丶韵律和音调等,是正确练习一口流利的美式英语的基础。如有兴趣报名,请扫描二维码或邮件。邮箱:[email protected]微博:maaaxterYouTube:https://www.no video.com/channel/UCO8GewbsHFFmJn4kLLq1WXQ
i dont't like it anymore,please cancel any paragraph in wechat,it is unuseful for both of us while learning english,we need to pay so much money for that,please and don't come back China agin.China is a great county,you do have USA HUSBAND,USA IS YOUR COUNTRY RIGHT NOW,BE CARE WHAT YOU ARE DOING
I think not useful for both of us who is not good at speaking english,we need to pay for a dozens of money before we learning,so please just stop your wechat,sina blog and no video,you are not an native USA,you are ABC-Chinese,you are not belong to chinese nationality from now on,you do have USA-HUSBAND,so please go away from china,don't come back again,please do let the spreading of convid-19 from your small house to china.thank you.lady!
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