加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘培名学院:College Counseling Promotion ( 免费大学升
College Counseling Promotion Premier Academy is now offering a one-hour FREE college counseling session for high school students and parents (English or Chinese).Call Premier Academy (626-765-3519) today to schedule your free session (online video chat or in person). Our college counselor expert has over 20 years’ experience and will take you step-by-step through the admission process, offering personalized guidance on the following: ● Create an overall story for the student applying to college ● Guide high school coursework plans, and extracurricular activity selection ● Create a college list on where to apply based on student fit and major desire ● Help with essay topics selection ● Developing a standardized test (ACT / SAT) strategy ● Scholarship search and financial aid support ● Answer all your questions ● And much more! 免费大学升学辅导活动 各位家长,学生好,培名学院(Premier Academy)现在将为高中学生及其家长提供一小时的免费大学升学辅导。 今天就致电培名学院(626-765-3519),与我们预约专属于你的一对一升学辅导!(通过视频咨询或者预约之后面对面的咨询。)我们的升学导师有超过20年的升学经验,将带领学生逐步完成申请过程,并提供个性化指导,其中包括: ● 完善高中课程计划和筛选课外活动。 ● 对各大学院进行深度研究,并根据学生的需求为他们量身打造“最合适”大学列表。 ● 帮助筛选论文题目和编辑论文。 ● 面试准备提供模拟面试。 ● 帮助制定标准化的应考策略。 ● 帮助搜索奖学金。 ● 跟进学生完成所有大学申请流程和要求。 ● 评估录取通知书,并制定对候补名单以及延期决定的策略。 ● 还有更多! PREMiER ACADEMY: 625 S. FIRST AVE. ARCADIA, CA P: 626-765-3519 W: http://premier-academy.com/arcadia/zh/ Email: [email protected]
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