加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘Online Mandarin Class for Kids and Adults线上中文网课
We are a group of passionate and experienced Mandarin tutors who are not only experts on teaching but also have a goal to conquer racial differences and spread love to the world. Special discount right now for support of fighting COVID-19!! Ask for more details. 直通网站:https://www.skyrimeducation.com/ 电话联系:909-280-2977 626-328-9277
Skyrim Education 现在向全球火热招生中! 打折后平均每节课$10,每月仅$80 我们提供有趣又灵活的网络课程,4-6人网课小班让小朋友在家就可以学中文和了解中国文化。 现每周六下午3pm提供免费体验课 给5-10岁的中文零基础的小朋友,一共是35分钟 感兴趣的家长和小朋友赶紧联系我们吧!
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