加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘尔湾英文家教,SAT/ACT辅导老师,大学申请,文书修改
I graduated from a top university in China with a Master Degree in English Languages and Literatures, and also graduated from a top university in the U.S. with a second Master Degree. I have years of experience in teaching English as a second language. Currently I am doing English education full time. I mainly help students with their schoolwork in all subjects from various grade levels. I also help students with their SAT/ACT/TOEFL exams. In addition, I do applications to universities in the U.S. and help with essays proofreadings. What distingushes me from other teachers or education institutes is that I devote all my time and energy to helping students achieve their goals. What I value most is what the students think of their teachers. contact: [email protected]毕业于国内重点高校英语硕士,并获得美国第二硕士学位。有多年英语教学经验,现做全职英语教育,主要从事美国中小学各学科课业辅导,帮助孩子提高学习成绩和英语水平;成人零基础英语;SAT/ACT/TOEFL等各种考试辅导,帮助学生达到理想分数;大学申请与文书修改。对学生尽职尽责,帮助学生实现学习目标,注重教学质量和学生口碑,可免费试讲,可全英语授课。有需要请联系[email protected] 微信wechat: dreamyy47
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