加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘提供保母和钢琴音乐家教
提供钢琴音乐家教 保母 unhide Wanted to be QR Code Link to This Posthired as a pianoinstructor house maid together. (寻找雇主: 提供钢琴音乐家教 住家保姆)寻找雇主:提供钢琴音乐家教 住家保姆本人(女,31)现在在北京教学钢琴古筝声乐,愿为高级工程师,白领家庭做家庭教育,音乐,中文!小孩三岁 到12岁小孩。(因没有带过婴儿)需要住宿,地点中半岛,南湾,东湾旧金山均均可以。工作时间:周一到周五,礼拜六和礼拜天休息放假。钢琴音乐中文课程每天可以陪练,一星期一次课。除此之外简单家务,可做一顿饭。本人音乐教育毕业,本科专业5年音乐学院正规学院训练,学士,8年家庭教育音乐教育经验。有爱心。爱家庭,爱儿童,喜欢音乐,喜欢教学,喜欢烹调。目前,家庭个人关系在北京私人教学!有愿意雇用者,请直联系,细节可微信交。谢谢!I am currently teaching piano, zither and vocals in Beijing and I am willing tobe as a house maid, and music teacher or tutor professional engineers andestablished families! To look after Children age 3 to 12 years old.Needs accommodation, location: Central Peninsula, South Bay, East Bay SanFrancisco are good.Working Hours preferred: Monday-Friday Week end off or Saturday and Sunday off.Provide piano and Chinese Languages lessons and day maid work. In addition tosimple housework, I can make one meal per day.About me: graduated from music education, with BA music major. Having 8 yearsteaching music and piano experiences. A loving person . love family, lovechildren, like teaching,. Please contact below info directly, the details canbe discusses Thank you!Ms: ZhangWechat:ssz0005Phone text message. :408-568-8848May 30, 2018.加州,张Jenny微信:ZQ5641389, or ssz0005电话/短信。646-821-1796408-568-88482018年8月22号。Thank you very much do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
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