加拿大华人论坛 美国求职招聘英语写作课暑假营正在火热报名中
Dr. Joe英语精品写作课介绍我们独特有效的英语写作课从词汇、造句、段落构造、篇章设计,到写作风格与创意,到语法、英文传统习惯及新趋势(包括写作与引述格式),到文学及写作历史、名家介绍,到学生作文评讲,再到精品与经典作品赏析、模仿和借 鉴, 涉及informative, persuasive, entertaining (narrative, persuasive, expository, descriptive) 等写作类型的系统练习,结合 老师原创的写作教育理论。我们的写作课是最系统、最根本性地解决学生不知道怎么写好文章的问题,使得我们的学 生经过系统完整的训练,成为高(整体写作水平高)、宽(知识面宽)、厚(文化素养功底厚)、精(精于个性化的写作风格)、快(在有限的时间内快速完成合格作文)、准(根据要求写出有着激光制导炸弹般准确定位的好文)多能一体的写作好手, 养成Critical Reading and Critical Writing的良好思维、阅读、写作习惯,并在Creative Writing, Public Speaking和Debating中脱颖而出。 Who We AreDear Friends,Dr. Joe, Co-Founder and Chief Educator, is a renowned educational expert in writing, reading, public speaking, communication, college application and test preparation. He leads our wonderful educational team composed of experienced K-12 teachers holding English, Communication, History, Education, Math or other relevant degrees. Our classes are custom-designed, result-oriented, highly intensive, and full of fun. Let us extend our warm welcome to our past, current, and future students and their parents.We provide best university/private high school application services.Maybe we have said this so many times and so many ways, but please allow us to say it once again: Welcome Aboard and Thank You So Much!Dr. Joe and TeamP.S. Dr. Joe earned his Ph.D. in Speech and Mass Communication in the United States.师资:共同创始人和首席教育家Dr. Joe (PhD in Speech and Mass Communication)具有多年美国大学讲演与写作教授经验,是美国中小学英语写作教育大师;所有老师都是English或Communication等相关专业毕业,教学经验丰富。名师 明师! Page TopContact us for enrollment, payment and other details:请联系我们获取注册上课、付费与其他详情:Please scan the WeChat QR Code or search the WeChat ID for customer service:请扫描下面的微信二维码或搜微信号联系客服: WeChat (微信) 1: DrJoeWriting WeChat (微信) 2: EXU_7192016 WeChat (微信) 3: USA521168
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