加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息J'S Acupuncture CTR
"Huang's single needle technique transcends through generations from ancestral days, opens up the whole body meridians to treat chronic fatigue, muscle stiffness, chronic insomnia, menopausal syndrome, prostatitis, rheumatoid joint pain and Alzheimer's, and other wonders.Specialty: pain management for diseases (headache, cervicalgia, neck/nape pain, lumbar and backpain), sports injuries, car accidents. Gynecology: irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine fibroids. Infertility, diabetes, depression, etc.Beauty: eradicates age spots, moles, granulation and acne, weight loss, hair loss and hair growth.Many primary care providers available for assistance. If you want to know more information please check ()Please make an appointment or inquire: (626) 215-0059 (626) 559-6626.Address: 18340 Colima Rd # 2D Rowland Hts, Ca 91748if you want to know more information, please click on this website: http://www.j-acupuncture.com
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