加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息Eastvale
妮可的幼儿园座落在美丽的Eastvale 。我们接受1-4岁的小朋友注册,工作时间从早上7:30到下午6:30(特殊情况的小朋友可根据商量)。我们提供早餐和午餐,上午和下午各一次点心(具体时间表情联系我们获取)。幼儿园的老师具有急救执照和美国幼儿教师资格证和在美国幼儿园教学的经验。我们的课程丰富:英语,中文,数学,手工,绘画等……引导孩子发现自己的兴趣爱好,启发他们的创造力。我们不仅仅照顾小孩,同时我们教他们养成良好的生活习惯,尊重自己和他人,培养自己的独特的个性。收费每月$600,注册的前4位可享受前3个月每月$100的现金返还的优惠。联系电话:(626)513-2254 (626)893-8665地址: 6323 hazel street, Eastvale, CA 92880邮箱:[email protected] Family Day Care is a full time Day Care Center that located inEastvale city. We take care 1-4 years old children. And open from 7:30 amto 6:30 pm. We provide Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack. All of these foods arefresh. Tuition and serving time are both flexible.First Aid training and child teaching experience. We are not only do“baby sitter”. Our curriculum includes: English, Chinese, Math, Handcraft,singing, etc. , moreover the children in this center will learn manners,respect others and build on each child’s individuality.The teachers in this center have California teacher license, CPR ,Monthly Fee: $600Contact Phone: (626)513-2254 (626)893-8665Email:[email protected]: 6323 hazel street, Eastvale, CA 92880
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