加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息放下孩子去购物!
感恩节和圣诞节快到了,您是不是需要为家人和朋友采购一些礼物?带著孩子是不是会有些不方便?请把孩子放到我们体操馆来,让他们参与健康有趣的运动,同时给您一点休息时间,去做您想做的事,放松一下,又或者自由购物去吧。详细日期和相关信息请查看图片。电话:909-4772600 地址:5300 ontario mills pkwy suite 200.ontario,ca91764Need a break after a full day of Thanksgiving cooking, eating, and cleaning? Want your kids to have fun while you take advantage of all the great deals to be had on Black Friday? We have the perfect solution! Drop your kids off at World Elite Gymnastics (just down the street from the Ontario Mills Mall). We are open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm so you can shop 'til you drop! Please share this great news with all of your friends!
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