加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息Global Top Healthcare Offering Premium Private Health Manage
Beijing Global Top Healthcare Co., Ltd. (Global TopHealthcare) is the first private health management service provider that offerslifelong health management to subscribers in China. As the first integratedpremium health service provider that combines global premium resources, GlobalTop Healthcare offers professional services as life time trusted personalhealth advisor with the best resources available home and abroad. Global TopHealthcare takes into account each and every concern and demands of thecustomers and creates the tailored personalized health solution for clients,covering disease prevention, healthy lifestyle, top clinical service, andall-round safeguards. The target clients are elites and successful people. The servicesmainly include: Medical Examinations, Plastic Surgery, Anti-Aging, MedicalTreatment and Assisted Reproduction.Global Top Healthcare believes in traditional Chinesephilosophy. Global Top Healthcare Chairman Mr. Zhang Shutai told media: “Globalmeans we integrate the best medical resources home and abroad. Top Healthcareis our pursuit, an ancient belief that has come down from China’s oldestmedical philosophy - prevention is the approach of top healthcare, interventionto immediate ailment the intermediate approach, and treatment to the ailmentonly the last resort. We are committed to providing the best health solutionU.S. the best possible health intervention and preventive methodology. ““Now diseases are affecting younger population at anincreasing rate,” said Mr. Zhang Shutai. “We focus on serving high-end Chinesecustomers through private health advisory services. We set up individual healthmanagement filing for the customer. The customer gets medical check overseasand the test is supported by genes technology. Prevention is the key. Ifdisease does happen, we are able to find the best possible hospital or healthprovider for treatment. We will book the top medical expert to serve the patientfor treatment.”“US leads in medical care in many areas. Many patients withdifficult symptoms come to the U.S. for treatment,” said Prof. Houser, well knownas medical authority and modern hospital management in U.S.. “Of course, someU.S. patients diagnosed with common diseases choose to get treatment in Asia.This is how it is with our earth village in the information age. Now Chinastill lags behind the U.S. in terms of pharmaceutical research, medicalresources, expert capacity, talent cultivation, and medical equipmentstrengths. As a professional service provider founded by medical professionalswho boast rich overseas medical resources, Global Top Healthcare is the choicesolution for high-end Chinese customers who hope to get treatment in a developedcountry. The service will play an even bigger role in the future.”“Health management is an increasingly popular idea now,” saidby the vice-chairman of Chinese Medical Doctor Association. “An investment of RMB100in health management now may save you ten times of return in the future. Ahigh-end health management center like Global Top Healthcare that providesindividual health advisory service and boasts leading medical resources homeand abroad is the answer to the difficult situation faced by customers in Chinawhereby hospitals are crowded and medical resources are seriously imbalanced.Now Chinese patients who have higher expectations to get their demands met andsatisfied.”With rising living standards and better information exchangebetween China and other countries, recent years have seen the rise of medicalservice platforms that provide overseas medical care services. Global TopHealthcare answers the call of high-end customers and offers a strong healthmanagement methodology. Backed by leading medical resources home and abroad, itoffers best of the kind private health care management services in theindustry. As a pioneering startup, it is leading the growth of the industry.Media contact:[email protected]
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