加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息新星宝贝生殖中心,自有优质加州代母及亚洲捐卵
新星宝贝生殖中心 我们是专业的试管婴儿及第三方辅助生育服务公司,致力于提供世界领先的试管婴儿技术和优秀的辅助生育资源。我们的团队中有从业多年的试管婴儿及内分泌学家,胚胎学家,专业的代孕领域专家,法律顾问及经验丰富的客户专员和个案经理,在整个代孕捐卵试管的过程中,随时为您排忧解难。希望我们的举动可以将您的疗程及旅程简单化,竭诚解决你的问题及担忧。 我们公司辅助生育团队在加州当地招募筛选和管理代孕及和捐卵者,亲自进行严格的面试及家庭环境了解,确保掌控每一个细节,从而为您推荐最优质及适合的志愿者。我们许诺,在你喜欢的代母医疗档案经过您和您的试管医生审批之前,我们不收取任何费用。 服务热线:(949)372-8545 E-Mail:[email protected] New Star Babies New Star is a professional fertility healthcare and third-party reproduction treatment service provider. We offer cutting-edge technologies, self-administrated resources, and personalized services to give you unique experiences of realizing your parenthood dream. Our staff includes fertility specialists, endocrinologists, embryologists, surrogate domain experts, legal consultants and case managers that work as a whole team to take special care of you. We have a team recruiting and coordinating with our surrogate mothers and egg donors so we can do direct and detailed evaluations on the volunteer and their families before we introduce them to you. We choose to manage our donors and surrogates directly because we want to keep a close relationship with them and look after your baby as well as surrogate mother during the long and exciting journey. We guarantee no cost will occur before your surrogate mother is thoroughly checked by you and IVF doctor you are working with. Service Phone:(949)372-8545 E-Mail:[email protected]
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