加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息美籍华男真诚交女友 / An American Chinese Man Looking
本人五十出头,离婚,中等身材,身体健康,来美十几年,从事翻译和咨询工作,希望在美国找到年龄在28至38岁之间的女性为伴,有一个孩子均可,身高最好165厘米以上和接受过高等教育,但这两点不是必要条件。有意者,请发个人信息和照片至电邮: [email protected]或加微信: NewBirthCA 以便进一步联系!I am in my early fifties, divorced, medium tallness, good health, over ten years in America, engaged in translation and consulting work, hope to find a woman between 28 and 38 years old in the USA as my companion, also with a child, and the best tallness of 165 cm and higher education, but the two ways are not necessary conditions. If you are interested in me, please send your personal information and photos to email: [email protected] or add WeChat: NewBirthCA for further contact!
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