加拿大华人论坛 美国生活信息受训于洛杉矶最专业的健身团队2019课程优惠火热
超过十年的训练经验。曾经在军队做过两年的健身指导。参加NPC健美比赛获得小组冠军,而且也在持续的为拿到pro card备赛,同时可以训练备赛。目前在美国最好的健身团队Zero Gravity受训。擅长短时间增肌减脂,自身一个月内达到瘦10lb,3个月内增20lb的效果。同时也很善于长期以来的改变,包括饮食的调节,善长矫正含胸驼背等不良姿势,端正体态。健身改变了我的生活,使我更加自信,非常的期待分享自己的经验给大家,帮助更多的健身求美爱好者为了能够与学员之间更好的了解,帮助制定初步的健身计划,第一个课程均免费!!!您想要的理想身材并没有你想的那么难。 微信号/wechat ID:Keithwee电话号码/phone number:3109946014 (请先发短讯。Please text first)邮箱地址/email:[email protected]>10 years of training experienceWas a fitness instructor in the army for 2 years. Currently in Team Zero Gravity, one of the best competitive bodybuilding team in the country. Which means I learn and train everyday with the best pros.Best placing in NPC competition is 1st in my class, 3rd overall. Still continuing to prep for future competitions aiming for the IFBB pro card. Can teach you everything you need to know to prepare for competitions if you're interested.Very experienced in both short term weight loss and bulking due to all the competitions. Personally have loss 10lbs~ in 1 month. Gained 20lbs of muscle while keeping body fat low in 3 months.Also experienced with long term sustainable lifestyle changes and dieting.Very knowledgeable in fixing posture problems like hunchback and rounded shoulders.Gyming has changed my life and made me more confident. I am dedicated to sharing that and helping people make changes in their life. Let me show you a different world.First session is free of charge. It is important for me to first get to know you, your goals and your current fitness level.Attaining your ideal body is not as difficult as it seems.
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