加拿大华人论坛 美国投资理财华人创业合作伙伴(协助办理L1)
自从2016年底开始,两年多以来,特朗普减税加息新政的引领下,美国市场需求旺盛,失业率屡创新低,消费指数居高不下;MONICANERIC公司借此东风,不仅在洛杉矶创建了公司,开设了店铺(光谱购物中心SPECTRUM Shopping center),同时也在美国亚马逊网上行销;现总公司决定进一步打开美国市场,2019年准备在美国48个州新开设50个店铺,2020年再翻一番;有创业需求的朋友请速与本公司联系。联系电话: 949-771-4099邮箱: [email protected] the end of 2016, over the past two years, under the leadership of Trump's new tax cuts and interest rate hikes, the US market has been in strong demand, the unemployment rate has hit new lows, and the consumption index has remained high. Under this trend,MONICANERIC has not only created a company in Los Angeles. The company opened a store (SPECTRUM Shopping center) and also sold online in Amazon. The company decides to open the US market further. In 2019, it plans to open 50 new stores in 48 states in the United States. And double in 2020; friends who have entrepreneurial needs, please contact us.Contact number: 949-771-4099Email: [email protected]
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