Phoenix,CA—April 9, 2019—GesooInc, a Los Angeles based food delivery company, today announced its newfranchise location in Phoenix, Arizona, which will be the very first franchiselocation opened by Gesoo. The new franchise will start its own food deliveryservice on April 19, 2019.
Zeyuan Lang, president ofthe Gesoo Phoenix franchise, is no stranger to food delivery service. Withyears of research has been done, he was very impressed with the franchiseopportunity, as well as the progress that Gesoo Inc has made through 2018.
“Ibelieve that there are many opportunities in hospitality industry, especiallyfood delivery service. I have seen many successful food delivery companiesserving Phoenix, such as UberEats and Grubhub, but none of these areChinese-customer oriented. However, Gesoo has made a significant progress intaking over the Chinese food delivery service in Los Angeles. Unlike many smallfood delivery companies, Gesoo has its own app that allows customers to viewrestaurants and place orders; it also allows us to collect data to improve ourfuture services and refine our development objectives.” Thetwo teams have been working together closely to launch the Phoenix franchise.Based on the research has been done, Gesoo Phoenix decides to add morerestaurant options, such as new American food, Indian food and Mexican food,making the platform of a combination of high diversity. Gesoo Phoenix will belaunching its own food deliver system, which shares the same technology withGesoo but has its own restaurants. AsArvin Sun, CEO of Gesoo, said in the interview, the two teams are excited towork together for the future where our consumers can get the gourmets at thepush of a button.
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