加拿大华人论坛 美国投资理财H1b和老婆第一次报税的问题
我是去年3月拿H1b到的美国,老婆H4一起来的.用了Turbofax来填1040和州税表格,发现Turbofax不支持没有ITIN的e-file报税。Turbofax的客服建议如下:Since you came in March, you are considered a dual status alien. You would not be able to file with Turbotax a dual status returnIf you want to file a married filing jointly return with Turbotax, you need to add a statement to your return that you and your spouse choose to be treated as resident aliens for the entire year. You will have to report worldwide income for the entire year, but could use the foreign paid tax credit to offset any taxes paid to a foreign country before you came.This is most likely the most beneficial in your situation. 现有如下疑问:1.请问有哪位可以提供一个上面提到的statement的范例2.我3月之前在中国有工作收入,是否需要在1040里填上相应的金额丶还是不用填或者填0,没有找到在哪里要填3.打算把Turbotax生成的1040和州税表格打印出来,在我老婆SSN那栏填上"Applied for ITIN,see attached W7",然后带着1040丶W7和上面提到的statement到Taxpayer Assistance Center同时办理ITIN和报联邦税。州税退税的话自己把州税表格,W7和上面提到的statement邮寄的州的税务中心,把请问这样的流程是不是正确?第一次报税,还有很多不太了解的地方,上面问题的措词可能不准确,欢迎纠正。先谢谢了!
H4是没有SSN的,你老婆要去申请一个ITIN号,就是所谓的税号,以后这个税号会一直跟着H4用,直到拿到绿卡可以有SSN 。
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