加拿大华人论坛 美国投资理财华尔街金融公司,商业贷款利率可低至5.5%!无申请
我们是总部设立在纽约华尔街第30街的金融服务公司。我们为美国本土的中小型企业提供专业和个性化的商业贷款。 我们公司目前可以为您提供低至5.5%的借款利率。 我们提供免费咨询,以及免费为您定制一份私人商业贷款方案。 如贵公司需要资金以拓展业务,更新设备和进行商业房贷等,我们将竭诚为你服务。 Asset Dynamics Finance invests in American business. We have great experience inmeeting needs of import/export companies, restaurants, grocery stores and chains,trucking and logistics services, and more. Our clients know us to tailor our products tomeet their specific needs, helping them grow and develop further, without straining theiroperations. Our rates start at as low as 5% ARP for amounts up to $2Million. Besidesbusiness loans and advances we do:- equipment financing and leasing arrangements- commercial real estate financing and cash-out- PO financing- project development arrangement and financing- and more!We will be happy to work with you to find the best solution for you!Approval in 48 hours48小时之内批准贷款请求Competitive Factor Rate提供最有竞争力的利率 (低至APR 5.5%)Poor Credit OK不良信用记录同样可以通过审批No Application Fee无需任何申请费No Collateral Required无需任何抵押品We approve when others decline!当他人拒绝您的贷款要求时,我们批准!We give money when you need money!当您急需资金时,我们为您雪中送炭!We give the best offers in the industry!我们给予行业最优的合同! We fund fast!我们以最快捷的方式为您提供资金! 中文免费咨询: 646-583-0130 王先生(客户经理)Fax: 646-568-7682 Call Now And Get Funded in 5 Days!现在打电话,5天之内得到您急需的资金!
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