加拿大华人论坛 美国投资理财拥有石油丶黄金丶标普丶外汇⋯⋯还有其他投资
拥有石油丶黄金丶标普丶外汇⋯⋯还有其他投资项目?我是Matt Kang,操流利的韩语及英语,也能阅读中文。我从1988年加入位于加州比佛利山的Cannon Trading Company,负责商品及期货经纪的工作,经验丰富。Cannon Trading是洛杉矶最早期开设的商品及期货贸易商之一。以比佛利山为总部,多年来我们一直服务众多商品及期货贸易商,并以优良的交易资源及卓越的客户服务取胜。有见来自中国客户的有关石油丶黄金丶外汇及其他商品期货项目等的查询日益增多,我们希望成为您的期货经纪公司,不论您在投资方面是阅历甚丰还是初学新手,我们都将尽心效劳,为实践您的交易目标为依归。如有任何查询或需要,请随时跟我联络。My name is Matt Kang (Korean&English Speaking can readChinese) and I am a commodities and futures broker with Cannon Trading Companyin Beverly Hills, California since 1988.Cannon Trading is one of the earliest established futurecommodity trading firms in Los Angeles. Based out of Beverly Hills, we’ve beenserving commodity and future traders with top tier trading resources, andsuperior customer service.Due to the number of inquiries we receive related toinvestments such as crude oil, gold, forex and other commodities and futuresfrom Chinese nationals, we would like to beyour futures brokerage firm.Whether you are experienced futures traders or noviceinvestors, I am here to assist you to achieve your trading goals.If you need any assistance or have any questions, feel freeto contact me.cannontrading.comE-MAIL: [email protected]: 800-454-9572International TEL: (310) 859-9572 Fax: (310) 859-0547Mailing Address: 9301 Wilshire Blvd. Suite #515 Beverly Hills, Ca 90210
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