加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产求助:买房子,有关夫妻产权问题!!!


我带孩子在多伦多,老公在国内,现在要买房子,今天去银行申请贷款时,问我房产的署名问题,有三个选择:1、夫妻共有房产:由于老公在国内不能过来,需要老公在国内写一个律师函――Power of Attorney说明授权给我代表他签字2、老公放弃房产,但也需要有放弃声明的律师函3、以我自己的名义买,但要作为投资房处理。这种形式不好,以后悔有麻烦的所以,我选择的是第一种。问题是不知道Power of Attorney怎么写,有什么规定的格式,都需要办理什么样的手续?有没有人处理过这样的问题?


[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT] 2006-09-28#3 zzz 14,941 $0.00 看看这个有没有参考价值:Power of AttorneyDate: __________________I, _____________, the undersigned, of __________, do hereby confer full power of attorney on ______________, of _____________ as true and lawful attorney-in-fact for me and in my name, place and stead, and on my behalf, and for my use and benefit, regarding the following:FIRST: To ask, demand, litigate, recover, and receive all manner of goods, chattels, debts, rents, interest, sums of money and demands whatsoever, due or hereafter to become due and owing, or belonging to me, and to make, give and execute acquittances, receipts, satisfactions or other discharges for the same, whether under seal or otherwise;SECOND: To make, execute, endorse, accept and deliver in my name or in the name of my aforesaid attorney all checks, notes, drafts, warrants, acknowledgments, agreements and all other instruments in writing, of whatever nature, as to my said attorney-in-fact may seem necessary to conserve my interests;THIRD: To execute, acknowledge and deliver any and all contracts, debts, leases, assignments of mortgage, extensions of mortgage, satisfactions of mortgage, releases of mortgage, subordination agreements and any other instrument or agreement of any kind or nature whatsoever, in connection therewith, and affecting any and all property presently mine or hereafter acquired, located anywhere, which to my said attorney-in-fact may seem necessary or advantageous for my interests;FOURTH: To enter into and take possession of any lands, real estate, tenements, houses, stores or buildings, or parts thereof, belonging to me that may become vacant or unoccupied, or to the possession of which I may be or may become entitled, and to receive and take for me and in my name and to my use all or any rents, profits or issues of any real estate to me belonging, and to let the same in such manner as to my attorney shall seem necessary and proper, and from time to time to renew leases;FIFTH: To commence, and prosecute on my behalf, any suits or actions or other legal or equitable proceedings for the recovery of any of my lands or for any goods, chattels, debts, duties, and to demand cause or thing whatsoever, due or to become due or belonging to me, and to prosecute, maintain and discontinue the same, if he or she shall deem proper;SIXTH: To take all steps and remedies necessary and proper for the conduct and management of my business affairs, and for the recovery, receiving, obtaining and holding possession of any lands, tenements, rents or real estate, goods and chattels, debts, interest, demands, duties, sum or sums of money or any other thing whatsoever, located anywhere, that is, are or shall be, by my said attorney-in-fact, thought to be due, owing, belonging to or payable to me in my own right or otherwise;SEVENTH: To appear, answer and defend in all actions and suits whatsoever that shall be commenced against me and also for me and in my name to compromise, settle and adjust, with each and every person or persons, all actions, accounts, dues and demands, subsisting or to subsist between me and them or any of them, and in such manner as my said attorney-in-fact shall think proper; hereby giving to my said attorney power and authority to do, execute and perform and finish for me and in my name all those things that shall be expedient and necessary, or which my said attorney shall judge expedient and necessary in and about or concerning the premises, or any of them, as fully as I could do if personally present, hereby ratifying and confirming whatever my said attorney shall do or cause to be done in, about or concerning the premises and any part thereof.Powers conferred on said attorney-in-fact shall not be restricted or limited by the aforementioned specifications regarding situation of representation. The rights, powers and authority of said attorney-in-fact granted in this instrument shall commence and be in full force and effect on ____________, (Month & Day) _____, (Year) and such rights, powers and authority shall remain in full force and effect thereafter until I give notice in writing that such power is terminated.It is my desire, and I so freely state, that this power of attorney shall not be affected by any subsequent disability or incapacity that may befall me.FURTHERMORE, upon a finding of incompetence by a court of appropriate jurisdiction, this power of attorney shall be irrevocable until such time as said court determines that I am no longer incompetent.__________________________SignatureI, __________________________, whose name is signed to the foregoing instrument, having been duly qualified according to the law, do hereby acknowledge that I signed and executed this power of attorney; that I am of sound mind; that I am eighteen (18) years of age or older; that I signed it willingly and am under no constraint or undue influence; and that I signed it as my free and voluntary act for the purpose therein expressed.__________________________________SignatureMy commission expires on _________________________________________________________________Notary Public

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT]赞反馈:wxp6082 和 annieyu 2006-09-28#4 annieyu 4,147 $0.00 专业呀!收藏备用了

annieyu 说:专业呀!收藏备用了点击展开...谈不上专业,我也是借花献佛,能对大家有用就好。

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT] 2006-09-28#6 wxp6082 231 $0.00 谢谢!加纷纷好复杂呀,好好研究一下。


wxp6082 说:好复杂呀,好好研究一下。点击展开...为便于理解和借鉴,现附上参考译文: 全权委托书日期:我,,署名者,,就,确实在此全权委托作为我的真实、合法的法律代理人,为了我的利益,以我的名义为我作如下代理:第一:有权查询、要求、起诉、追索和接收各种商品、动产、债务、租金、利息、金钱总额以及合法要求任何我应得的、或今后能得的或该付的、或本来就属于我的财产;有权获得、提供或签章债务清偿证明书、收据、赔偿或其他类似义务的解除证明,不管盖了公章还是没有盖。第二:有权以我的或者我的该律师的名义,制定、签发、背书、承兑和交付所有支票、本票、汇票、批准状、认知书、协议书以及所有我的该法律代理人可能觉得有必要用来保全我的利益的其他各种类型的书面法律文书。第三:有权签发、确认、交付任何合同、债务、租约、抵押转让、抵押延期、抵品赎回、抵押解除、附属合同以及我的该法律代理人可能觉得对我的利益有必要或有利的其他任何种类或任何与之相关的影响到我的财产(包括任何现有的或将获得的财产,不论它们位于何处)的法律文书或协议。第四:有权进入并占有我的任何可能空闲的土地、不动产、要役地、房屋、店铺或厂房,或其中的任何部分;有权占有我有权或将有权的(上述财产);有权接受我的委托,为了我的利益,以我的名义接收和取得任何租金或利润、或属于我所有的任何不动产收益;也有权将我的律师可能认为必要和适当的上述财产出租并不断续约;第五:有权代表我提起任何诉讼及其他合法或公正的程序,以取得我的任何土地或任何货物、动产、负债、税收,以及查询诉讼事由及我应履行的或与我有关的任何事情;只要他/她认为适当,有权就上述事项提起、主张和放弃诉讼请求。第六:为了管理我的商业事务,为了追索、接收、获得和占有任何土地、房屋、租金或不动产、货物和动产、债务、利息、合法要求、义务、所有金钱以及我的该代理律师认为或将认为属于我所有或应付给我所有的任何以上财产(不管它们位于何处),我的律师都有权采取一切必要和适当的步骤和补救措施。第七:有权在所有诉讼中出庭、答辩或辩护,不管该诉讼的提起有利还是不利于我;在现有或将来我与其他任何人的诉讼中,有权以我的名义与所有人协商、解决、调整所有行动、事由、费用和要求;授权我的律师在其认为适当时,代理我或以我的名义签署、履行和完成所有那些将有利和必要的或我的律师认为对我们的允诺有利和必要的任何事情,有权认可和批准在这些合同或其任何部分中我的该律师将做的或将引起的任何事情。授予给该法律代理人的权利将不限于上述关于代理职务的规定。本法律文书授予给上述法律代理人的权利将开始与生效于,(月和日),(年),这些权利将持续有效除非我发出书面通知终止它们。这是我的请求,而且我自主声明:在今后我可能丧失行为能力的情况下,律师的这些权利不受影响。此外,如果法院以正当司法权裁决我为无行为能力人,这些律师权利也不可取消,直到该法院作出我不再是无行为能力人为止。签名我,,也就是在该法律文书上签字的人,具有法律上的适当资格,在此确认:我签署和执行这项律师权利;我大脑健全;我已满18周岁;我自愿签署该文书并没有受到强制或不当威压;我为了上述阐明的目的,以自由自愿的行为签署了该文书。签名我的委托终止于公证人

[FONT=宋体]Go, China![/FONT] 2006-09-28#9 wxp6082 231 $0.00 热心人呐,感动的哗哗的!


天凉好个秋 2006-09-28#11 冬天的大雨 499 $0.00 我和楼主情况一样, 但买房子只写我一人名字,是作为第一套房子的 , 律师没有要求我出示任何文件。

我和楼主情况一样, 但买房子只写我一人名字,是作为第一套房子的 , 律师没有要求我出示任何文件。点击展开...或者有对方的授权书.

冬天的大雨 说:我和楼主情况一样, 但买房子只写我一人名字,是作为第一套房子的 , 律师没有要求我出示任何文件。点击展开...我是在询问贷款时,银行的经理要我这么办的,他的客户好多都是这样的情况,都这么做的.我还没有找律师.

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