Century 21公司的评估详见:2007年4月13日Canada.com的报道The 10 most expensive were Paris, followed by Moscow at $688, Seoul $630, Vancouver $577, London, England $532, Calgary $500, Athens, $375, New York City $375, Tokyo $325, and Edmonton, $322. When comparing prices to sizes of the homes, the survey found that the 10 least expensive housing markets are St. John's, N.L., followed by Quebec City at $93 per square foot, Istanbul $94, Halifax $97, Charlottetown $104, Sydney $105, Bogota $114, Mexico City $119, Moncton, N.B., $127, and London, Ont., $132.*。。。。。。 6}#L7M/e6}#L7M/e
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6不太可能.....卡城能比纽约还贵? 不可能..
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6努力不够,要再加油.好久没住世界最贵的城市了
察哈尔右翼正黄旗回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6又来了,又来了.有这时间,你研究研究中国的股市吧,赚点钱是真的.不过,好像有点晚了.
bbs.doic.com生活就是一个S,接着又一个S回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6
本ID暂停使用。不太可能.....卡城能比纽约还贵? 不可能..点击展开...嘿嘿...那咱都去纽约
所谓命运,就是你什么也没做..仍是错...直到看见这世间闪烁万千灯火,超越梦里所有想象....不太可能.....卡城能比纽约还贵? 不可能..点击展开...
因为你我不同, 所以世界精彩!! 赏
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6把香港摆哪去?
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6醉酒你乍又来耍了? 你对49做了什末坏事又不付责任?49 满大街的找你呢, 快去跟人家说清楚了点击展开...坏事!? .责任 on .....?你清楚?
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6坏事!? .责任 on .....?你清楚?点击展开...来端个板凳看热闹
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6这份房价评估是说市中心范围的平均尺价但是的确有点不可思议,比如爱城排第10香港确不入前10,蒙城的排名竟然比多伦多的高,还有纽约的排名似乎偏低。今天看了一份当地主流报章他们预测卡城和亚省的房价在未来的20年将是现在的double.http://www.canada.com/calgaryherald/news/story.html?id=6c10a0a0-7d11-404a-8a9e-6e6827989d75&k=5292Housing prices to double in next 20 years, says reportMario Toneguzzi, Calgary HeraldPublished: Wednesday, April 18, 2007Fears of a decline in future house prices sparked by demographic changes in Canada are greatly exaggerated, says a report released Wednesday by CIBC World Markets. The report, Much Ado About Nothing: Canadian House Prices Not Based on Demographics Alone, says house prices in the country will double in the next 20 years. “Despite downward pressure from demographic forces, on average, we expect house prices in Canada to double in the next 20 years,” said Benjamin Tal, Senior Economist, CIBC World Markets. “Fears of a decline resulting from the downsizing and increased liquidations of houses by seniors and the falling number of first-time buyers are highly exaggerated.” Tal told the Herald that prices in Calgary and in Alberta will more than double in the next 20 years and at much faster pace than the rest of the country due to the province’s booming oil and gas industry. The CIBC report looks at population growth between two cycles of housing prices, from 1987 to 2006, and from 2007 to 2026. Between 2007 and 2026, the projected 167,000 net decline in the number of first-time buyers (Canadians between the ages of 25 and 44) is marginal, at best, said Tal. Since this age group is by far the largest contributor to overall housing demand, accounting for almost 68 per cent of all home sales, this relatively modest downturn will not significantly impact housing demand. The largest decline (2.5 million) is projected for the 45 to 54 age group, as many baby boomers move to the next age bracket. The impact of this change is also expected to be limited, given that the 45 to 54 age group accounts for only 12 per cent of total housing demand. In fact, this moderate decline in housing demand will be partly offset by the strong increase in the age group 55 to 74 and its surprisingly high housing market activity — largely reflecting purchases of vacation and investment properties.
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6这份房价评估是说市中心范围的平均尺价但是的确有点不可思议,比如爱城排第10香港确不入前10,蒙城的排名竟然比多伦多的高,还有纽约的排名似乎偏低。今天看了一份当地主流报章他们预测卡城和亚省的房价在未来的20年将是现在的double..点击展开...应该看用什么价格去衡量这个double,看看通货膨胀率是多少。往回看30年,房价涨了有10几倍,但收入也差不多长了10倍
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6应该看用什么价格去衡量这个double,看看通货膨胀率是多少。往回看30年,房价涨了有10几倍,但收入也差不多长了10倍点击展开...95年以前,北美房地产市场一直是一潭死水,增长和通胀大致持平。所以才出现了80年代东京一市的地价超过美国全国的地价的情况。95后,最开始是美东北房价发彪(主要是新泽西),后来是北加州,再后来是南加州。03~04大家都看好LV,不过LV的房价涨了30+%后就放慢了。然后卡城房价随着油价发彪,爱城随后跟进。 75年,新汽车的均价大约在6,400,05年均价大约24,000。期间全加房价的涨幅也基本相当。 收入高,消费跟着涨。----因此重要的不是你挣多少钱,而是你在食物链上的位置。
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6又来了,又来了. 有这时间,你研究研究中国的股市吧,赚点钱是真的. 不过,好像有点晚了.点击展开...中国股市现在进有点晚,风险相应增大,不过仍有机会,现在研究,8月应当是个时机。 经济好的时候,机会多多。爱城、萨城的房市都有卡城大陆移民的身影。去年初卡城有几个大陆移民在爱城周边买地,一年光景,听说都翻了两番了。
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6反正房价是只涨不跌的
回复: 世界房价最贵城市排行榜,卡城排名第6 Century 21公司的评估详见:2007年4月13日Canada.com的报道 The 10 most expensive were Paris, followed by Moscow at $688, Seoul $630, Vancouver $577, London, England $532, Calgary $500, Athens, $375, New York City $375, Tokyo $325, and Edmonton, $322. When comparing prices to sizes of the homes, the survey found that the 10 least expensive housing markets are St. John's, N.L., followed by Quebec City at $93 per square foot, Istanbul $94, Halifax $97, Charlottetown $104, Sydney $105, Bogota $114, Mexico City $119, Moncton, N.B., $127, and London, Ont., $132. *。。。。。。 6}#L7M/e6}#L7M/e点击展开...
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