加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产房价高涨!!!!
Cost of new housing skyrockets in Edmonton Updated Mon. Jun. 11 2007 8:43 PM ET CTV.ca News Staff Housing prices are soaring in Edmonton, delighting property owners and causing financial headaches for those just starting their search for a new home. The average price of a new house in the city is now $440,000 -- an increase of 40.5 per cent over the past year, according to Statistics Canada. That's a greater increase than anywhere else in the country. "The prices keep on getting higher and higher for housing," recent graduate Amanda Scott told CTV News. "I'm wondering how I'm ever going to afford not only to rent, but to buy my own place." Scott's mother finds the high prices just as alarming. "She may live with me forever," Linda Scott joked. Only cities located in the West showed a sharp increase, although not nearly as high as Edmonton: Calgary: 27.4 per centSaskatoon: 24.9 per centRegina: 17.3 per cent By contrast, the increase in the average cost of new housing in Vancouver was 6.7 per cent, and 2.3 per cent for the Toronto and Oshawa area. In Montreal, it was 3.9 per cent. Analysts say a number of factors have led to the sharp rise in Edmonton: increased costs for building materials and labour, long construction periods and high demand for homes. "It's very difficult to move down the average cost of a new home, just because materials go into that home and everyone needs a certain amount to get by on," said Grant Ainsley of the Canadian New Home Builders' Association. Land in Edmonton has nearly doubled in value over the last year, further compounding the situation. Richard Goatcher, spokesperson for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, said housing prices could level out if fewer people move to Alberta. "We can't sustain these price increases, we just can't," he said. "We'll price way too many people out of the market and builders know that." Banks are now accepting down-payments of 20 per cent, rather than 25 per cent, while it's typical to have a 40-year amortization. But that's little comfort to Scott, who wonders how -- or if -- she'll ever be able to afford property in the city. "I'm only 22 now and I don't want to be paying past my retirement," she said. With a report from CTV Edmonton's Deborah Shiry
回复: 房价高涨!!!!怕怕!这么高的上升速度,不买房也不行了
回家的路有多远?------------------------回复: 房价高涨!!!!my god
回复: 房价高涨!!!!今天看到有人这么评价爱民屯,恐怖,不知道真假,熟悉的筒子澄清澄清。grande praire, alberta is bad. 4 men to every women. all rednecks. everything is priced highest in canada (gasoline is highest too). there is nothing to do here but drink, no culture, and my god does the work suck(all filthy dangerous oilpatch jobs). we have the highest std rate in any city, and violent immigrants from somalia are pouring in to drive cabs. during spring the oilpatch slows right down and there is no work or money, for months. i managed to get the cheapest apartment in town - just 1500 dollars. the average goes for 2000. to buy a new 3 bedroom house your looking at half a million dollars. i'm not making this shti up. if you don't believe me then move here for a few months. you will kill yourself.
回复: 房价高涨!!!!3年内,房价上涨1倍半.
haofaming.com回复: 房价高涨!!!!房价上涨还是其次,因为很多新移民买不起房子,关键是房租上涨太凶,没有涨幅上限,好像多伦多(bc省)有涨幅限制,大约3%左右,而爱德蒙顿(阿尔伯塔省)则没有,5月份riverband有一家公司一家伙长了50%,从750直线上升到1100(一居室)左右,其他房租便宜的涨幅均在30-40个百分点左右。对于从国内来的很多新移民来说,这个房租实在是太可怕了。
回复: 房价高涨!!!!在这种情况下,逼得很多新移民尤其是没有什么积蓄的必须要马上作出抉择,立刻打laber工以供养家庭开支,房租实在是一个大头。
回复: 房价高涨!!!!另外,这里的物价水平是在是太高了。最滑稽的是,阿尔伯塔省是石油大省,油价几乎全国最高,真是不可理喻。
回复: 房价高涨!!!!不过这里有一个优势,laber工作很好找
回复: 房价高涨!!!!在那里打工,回家买房,哈哈
回复: 房价高涨!!!!在那里打工,回家买房
回复: 房价高涨!!!!福利不好
回复: 房价高涨!!!!车也超贵啊,比国内还贵
回复: 房价高涨!!!!好怕呀
回复: 房价高涨!!!!突然间,发现留在国内难受,出国也难受。到底要去哪里,才能开心生活。可能除了赚钱,就没有别的了。
回复: 房价高涨!!!!国内干蓝领也拿不了1000刀,爱城打累脖都有2000刀;国内GOLF100刀一场,爱城20刀还用不了,哪个便宜?
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