加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Toronto Market Report - February
The following is an article from Toronto Real Estate Board.GTA Resale Housing Down but HealthyMarch 5, 2008 -- President Maureen O'Neill announced today, Toronto RealEstate Board Members recorded 6,015 resale home transactions last month,down 11 per cent in the Greater Toronto Area overall , 14 per cent in theCity of Toronto and 9 per cent in the 905 suburbs compared to February 2007.“To get an accurate perspective of current market conditions, a number offactors have to be considered,” said Ms. O’Neill. “With 18,018 propertiesavailable for sale, inventory has decreased seven per cent from lastFebruary."“This indicates that despite moderate sales, there is not an over-supply ofhomes on the market. Generally, properties that are listed are sellingfairly quickly and with a list to sale price ratio of 99 per cent, for themost part, sellers are realizing their asking price,” O’Neill added.Despite the decrease in the number of sales from this time last year, therewas positive news with respect to prices in February. At $382,048 in theGreater Toronto Area and $424,235 in the City of Toronto, the average priceincreased four and two per cent respectively compared to February 2007. Aswell, the time on market in February was 30 days compared to 35 days a yearago.Despite the overall decline, some GTA neighbourhoods experienced strongsales in February.In Pickering (E13) sales rose 28 per cent overall compared to a year ago dueto a strong increase in condo townhouse and condo-apartment transactions.Strong condo-apartment sales also drove transactions in Rexdale (W10) to anoverall increase of 18 per cent compared to February 2007.Richmond Hill North (N05) experienced a 19 per cent sales increase comparedto a year ago primarily as a result of strong detached home transactions.“All economic indicators are in place for an active year in the GTA, and asthe weather improves sales are expected to increase as well,” said Ms.O’Neill.
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