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是个新盘,Remy Discovery centre 106-9780 cambie Rd richmond

回复: 请老虎和princesspan给看看房子价格还是调整,现在不是买房子的好时机

对亲人和朋友关爱无比的感激,对眼前幸福的生活无限地感恩是个新盘,Remy Discovery centre 106-9780 cambie Rd richmond点击展开...1. 总体来说, 现在买楼花分险比较大(这点在我以前的几个贴子中多次提及)2. 从Richmond看目前Richmond新房存量不少, 有许多楼盘已经completion还有没卖出.3. 从此盘的location看楼盘所在的位置看, 并不属于richmond比较好的地区4.从建商看一般5.从价格看比一些著名建商的楼盘稍低6. 从房型看它是townhome, 而不是townhouse. 仅供参考! Princess

回复: 请老虎和princesspan给看看1. 总体来说, 现在买楼花分险比较大(这点在我以前的几个贴子中多次提及)2. 从Richmond看目前Richmond新房存量不少, 有许多楼盘已经completion还有没卖出.3. 从此盘的location看楼盘所在的位置看, 并不属于richmond比较好的地区4.从建商看一般5.从价格看比一些著名建商的楼盘稍低6. 从房型看它是townhome, 而不是townhouse. 仅供参考! Princess点击展开...非常感谢

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回复: 请老虎和princesspan给看看what's the difference between townhouse and town home?

回复: 请老虎和princesspan给看看能介绍一下townhome与townhouse、single house的具体差别吗?Condo就是Apartment吗?如不是,能介绍他们的具体差别吗?就是这几种房型吧?谢谢!

回复: 请老虎和princesspan给看看A townhouse is a dwelling that seems to combine the best amenities of a single-family home and a true condominium. Many people are a bit confused about exactly what defines a dwelling as a townhouse, and some of the lines are somewhat blurred, but the true explanation of a townhouse is simple: a townhouse is a home that is attached to adjacent houses. Typically, ownership of the townhouse comes with ownership of the land that its on.While condos are sometimes also physically attached to other units, when you buy a condominium, you do not own the land beneath your home, despite the fact that you may be required to contribute to the general upkeep of the common areas.Townhouses, also sometimes called row houses, can be built as single or multi-storied structures. They can be attached to other houses with one or both sides sharing common walls, depending on whether the unit is in a center or end position. Townhouses can be grouped together as small units, such as duplexes or triplexes, or they can be a part of a huge townhouse complex. If your townhouse is located within one of the larger complexes, you may be required to pay fees for the upkeep of common areas, as well as taking care of your own yard.Townhouses offer at least a little green space, most often in the form of a small backyard area and landscaped walkup that leads to the front door. Some townhouses are designed to include backyard patios or upstairs balconies to enhance the feeling of open space.Some advantages to buying a townhouse include: less responsibility for maintenance because of reduced exterior areas; higher security with neighbors right next door; amenities such as swimming pools or tennis courts (available in larger complexes).But not everyone is suited for the townhouse lifestyle. Compared to owning a single-family dwelling, owners will lose a degree of privacy; be somewhat restricted as to how they can decorate the exterior of the dwelling; and, they may have to incur expenses to help pay for landscaping services and upkeep on the overall property.

回复: 请老虎和princesspan给看看1. 总体来说, 现在买楼花分险比较大(这点在我以前的几个贴子中多次提及)2. 从Richmond看目前Richmond新房存量不少, 有许多楼盘已经completion还有没卖出.3. 从此盘的location看楼盘所在的位置看, 并不属于richmond比较好的地区4.从建商看一般5.从价格看比一些著名建商的楼盘稍低6. 从房型看它是townhome, 而不是townhouse. 仅供参考! Princess点击展开...请问什么是townhome?townhome和townhouse有什么区别?谢谢

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