打开连接: http://www.bcrea.bc.ca/hst/hstaction.htm 点击:"Speak Out" and Send this letter to government. What the HST means for Home BuyersThe British Columbia Real Estate Association and its members are concerned that home buyers and sellers, particularly buyers of new homes, will bear most of the burden associated with the proposed Harmonized Sales Tax (HST).The cost of real estate transactions will increase on July 1, 2010 with the introduction of the new HST. The people of BC will be particularly affected since our province has some of the highest priced real estate in the country. Approximately 40 per cent of all real estate transactions in BC involve sales priced over $400,000, the threshold over which any HST rebate begins to lose significance.The effect of the HST will also be to introduce a new tax on most services provided by GST/HST registrants in BC. As such, service-providers like REALTORS®, home inspectors, and appraisers will be required by government to collect and remit 12 per cent HST on their fees.The bottom line is that the proposed HST will increase the cost of buying and selling all property and it will have a much greater impact on the purchase of newly-built homes. Almost 60 per cent of the average family's household income is required to cover home ownership costs. If the HST is implemented as planned, they'll be paying even more.
*************************回复: Speak Out: 反对HST支持楼主!房价如此上升不是什么好事。
回复: Speak Out: 反对HSTAnyway, the new policy will go its own way.
回复: Speak Out: 反对HST好象支持的人不多哦?!
*************************回复: Speak Out: 反对HST不去BC.
回复: Speak Out: 反对HST支持?主!
加國獎學金申請加拿大、美國、英國,大學申請網站JUST KEEP GOING It's the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes the chance. 赏
回复: Speak Out: 反对HST感谢楼上顶帖加分分!
*************************回复: Speak Out: 反对HST好像没有多少响应。。。大家都愿意交HST吗?
*************************回复: Speak Out: 反对HST很多人说HST(Harmonized Sales Tax)是Horrible Stupid Tax。。。呵呵。。。
*************************很多人说HST(Harmonized Sales Tax)是Horrible Stupid Tax。。。呵呵。。。点击展开...
http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=386790回复: Speak Out: 反对HSTHST对房地产市场的影响:1、开发商购买土地、商业销售、租赁的成本均提高7%;2、买卖佣金提高提高7%;3、验物Inspection、notary、 surveyor and appraiser等等费用提高7%;4、购买家具、装修、粉刷等提高7%;5、所有房屋或公寓维修成本增加;6、房东维修出租房屋成本增加;估计房租又要涨了。因为想当房东的人变少了。。。7、即使是First home buyer新房购买者要付12% HST,但是Rebate相对变少,成本增加:
*************************回复: Speak Out: 反对HST反对是没有用的。就算你叫得在凶。政客们还是会推行的。
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