想请问一下 是不是每年的地税可以减免一小部分 叫home owner grant 的program 不知道是怎么申请的 我在市政府的网上查输进去我们房子的number上面说我们没有eligibility 不知道是什么问题 有没有有经验的朋友帮忙说一下 具体应该是怎么申请的 一年大概能省多少钱 谢谢了
回复: 温哥华home owner grant的问题请教home owner grant是只提供给自住屋的。点击展开...是的 我就是自住屋
回复: 温哥华home owner grant的问题请教房价50万以下的低收入家庭,只能省500刀左右(封顶)
回复: 温哥华home owner grant的问题请教想请问一下 是不是每年的地税可以减免一小部分 叫home owner grant 的program 不知道是怎么申请的 我在市政府的网上查输进去我们房子的number上面说我们没有eligibility 不知道是什么问题 有没有有经验的朋友帮忙说一下 具体应该是怎么申请的 一年大概能省多少钱 谢谢了点击展开...可以按你的信中要求邮寄及到银行付钱,或Online申请,按下面链接要求,一步一步做就对了:http://vancouver.ca/fs/treasury/ehog.htm Basic Home Owner Grant The basic grant can reduce your property tax by as much as $570. The minimum tax payable ($350) ensures that all homeowners (or eligible occupants, which includes an eligible occupant of an eligible apartment, housing unit, land cooperative or multi-dwelling leased parcel) contribute towards the funding of local services such as road maintenance and police protection. For 2009, the basic grant will be reduced by $5 for each $1,000 of assessed value over $1,050,000, and is eliminated on homes assessed at $1,164,000 or more. If your property's assessed value is over $1,050,000 but has more than one residence on it, you may still qualify for the home owner grant on one residence. For further information, please call our office toll-free in British Columbia at 1-888-355-2700. To be eligible for the grant, you must meet the following criteria:
*************************回复: 温哥华home owner grant的问题请教DDDD
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