加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)
道明银行(TD Bank)经济学家戈捷(Pascal Gauthier)表示,由于房地产市场在经济复苏后强劲反弹,因此大家都谈到房地产出现泡沫这个问题。戈捷表示,TD银行预期现有的市道不会持久,房地产市场将会冷却。若果火热的市道持续下去,那便只会出现泡沫。戈捷预期,新屋动工量将在今年年中开始冷却。昨日,本地主流媒体环球邮报出台评论文章,警告可能存在的房地产泡沫。文章指出,泡沫和经济衰退非常相似,都是很难定义、而且很难测量的。很多时候,人们要等到泡沫破碎的时候,才意识到之前市场处于泡沫的状态。文章引述多伦多经济学家罗森伯格(David Rosenberg)的话,泡沫不是一个呱呱乱叫的鸭子,能让人们立刻意识到他们的存在。目前,尽管很多经济学家、业内人士都否定泡沫的存在,但是他们也都承认,泡沫很难被衡量、被预测。罗森伯格表示,从去年晚些时候开始,加拿大的房地产市场中就已经出现泡沫。泡沫存在的原因有三,供应紧张(tight supply)、房产价格被高估(extreme valuation)、以及异常扩大的借贷量(dramatic credit expansion)。罗森伯格估计,目前本国房屋的价格已被高估了15%至35%左右,但是低利率和避税的心理还在让更多消费者跳入市场、继续推动泡沫增长。多伦多经济业内人士Arthur Heinmaa则表示,泡沫总是出现在借贷量庞大的地方。央行的低利率,已经让太多的人背负了太多的负债。历史证明,政府的经济杠杆手段总是会做过头(excess leverage),所以国民不要寄希望政府能预测、警告泡沫的存在,相反他们往往都是泡沫的推动者。
回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)顶下.QUOTA?仁兄以前在国内炒配额的吧?
回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)没有炒过。
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always keep the faith[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)学习
内事不决问老婆外事不决问Google回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)Ottawa set to announce changes to mortgage rules Tue Feb 16, 12:38 AM (Reuters) - Canada will announce changes to mortgage rules to ensure Canadians do not take on too much debt, a government source said. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty will announce that he is imposing new rules that will dictate how banks approve mortgages, and that certain borrowers will have to come up with larger down payments, the Globe and Mail paper said, citing an unidentified source. Flaherty is scheduled to make an announcement at a news conference on Tuesday, the Department of Finance said on its website. The government has been concerned that some borrowers who are taking out variable-rate mortgages will struggle with their monthly payments when interest rates rise, according to the paper. The new mortgage rules will incorporate safety systems into mortgage evaluations, to help the banks evaluate whether to approve a mortgage or not, the paper said. The primary aim is to ensure that the bank is comfortable that the borrower will be able to afford the monthly payments when interest rates rise, the paper said.
回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)这个消息会不会给房价造成不利影响?Flaherty makes it harder to buy homes, tightens mortgage rulesTue Feb 16, 8:28 AMThe Canadian Press Email StoryIM StoryPrintable ViewBy The Canadian PressOTTAWA - Finance Minister Jim Flaherty is making it more difficult for people to qualify to buy new homes. He is responding to growing concerns that Canadians may be taking on too much debt, although he stresses that there is no housing bubble in Canada's real-estate market - yet. The finance minister says all borrowers will need to meet stiffer criteria to take out mortgages. He's also raising the downpayment that borrowers must pay for speculative investments. And he's putting on tighter restrictions on how much money people can borrow against their houses. Economists have advised the minister to be stricter on who can get new mortgages, but they've also warned the government not to put on the brakes too strongly, in order to preserve the fragile economic recovery. The Bank of Canada has been warning for months that homeowners should ensure they can absorb an increase in their floating-rate mortgages once rates start rising, likely as early as this summer.
回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)mortgage rules到底是银行定的还是政府指导的?
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)看你还炒不炒。。
Toronto 回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)费拉逖收紧按揭政策财长表示,新出台的按揭政策将在今年4月19日正式实施;而主要内容则有三条,其目的是预防投机行为,鼓励本国居民将房屋当成投资,而不是把它当作“榨钱”的工具。在新规下,所有的房屋借款人(borrowers)都需要经过资产评估,而且只有达到5年定期按揭(5-year fixed-rate mortgages)的借贷标准才能拿到贷款,无论他们是否使用比5年定期按揭更低的利率,还是更短的时间。第二,房主将房屋重贷(refinance)所能筹得的最大金额,从原先房屋价值的95%降低至90%。第三,购买“投机性质”的物业时,首付需达到20%才能有政府保险的按揭(20 per cent down payment for government-backed mortgage insurance on “speculative” investment properties)。据悉,财长是昨天晚间提出将收紧按揭政策的,当时很多业内人士曾估计政府会提高首付,以及缩短按揭期限,但是这两条都没有出台,而这也就打消了先前很多专家担心的、限制措施会影响经济增长的顾虑。
回复: 买房悠着点,多伦多房价已现泡沫!(ZT)mortgage rules到底是银行定的还是政府指导的?点击展开...要是银行定的就好了,"生活会精彩的多"
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