加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产室内植物话题二:请问园艺专家,以下十大植物对应


1. Angel Ivy Ring TopiaryUse this fast-growing angel ivy topiary (also known as wire vine) as a lush, living frame for seasonal flowers and bulbs that you can plant at the base of the ring. 2. Braided Ficus TreeEasy care and adaptability have made the ficus one of the most popular plants grown by indoor gardeners. The variegated foliage and the braided stems of this ficus will really catch your attention. 3. Cactus Combo BonsaiBring a touch of the Southwest into your home with a miniature cactus garden. With its unusual plant forms and temperature and moisture adaptability, cacti are an intriguing group of plants.4. Chamaedorea PalmThis whimsical palm will remind you of the old South. With wispy leaves and easy movement, this plant can bring a taste of the tropics to any part of your home..5. Chinese Evergreen Chinese Evergreen is an excellent selection for beginning green thumbs because it's a low-light lover and low maintenance. It's also rated highly as an indoor purifier.6. Miniature Herb Standard TopiariesStandard in shape and miniature in stature, this trio of tiny herbal topiaries (lavender, rosemary and serissa) will turn any sunny spot into a celebration of all things green and growing.7. Moth Orchid, Novelty StripesIf you love fresh flowers, but your garden doesn't produce enough bouquets to place in every room, try a living bouquet -- an easy-to-grow orchid. 8. Ponytail PalmFor those of you who forget to water your plants -- this is the one for you! With a whirl and a flick, the foliage of ponytail palm arises from an unusual swollen trunk and needs little attention to maintain its beauty. by the droves.9. Tropical Combo BonsaiCultivate a tropical garden in any small corner! With these miniature ceramic rock gardens, mixed with fun foliage plants, you can get a taste of the tropics right on your desk. ? 10. Amaryllis, 'Yellow Goddess'Enjoy a taste of spring indoors with the goddess of flowers, the amaryllis. This "Yellow Goddess" variation bears soft yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers touched with green at the throat.

回复: 室内植物话题二:请问园艺专家,以下十大植物对应的中文名?2. 垂叶榕4. 竹棕榈5. 万年青7.蝴蝶兰,?8. 酒瓶兰

回复: 室内植物话题二:请问园艺专家,以下十大植物对应的中文名?cakka准备考植物学?

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