加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好
打算定居温哥华,但是在考虑这两个区住在哪一个好,工薪阶层,有5岁孩子。有朋友告诉我说Richmond的房子不能买漏水保险和地震险,是真的吗?想找个上班和生活方便,小孩也能进入好一点的小学的区。 先多谢各位!
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢Richmond的学校里都是咱们同胞的孩子吗?学校的老师是用English教课吗?
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢温哥华会发地震的?
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢我觉得burnaby治安不好,richmond什么都方便,也有好的学区。即便是有生之年赶上地震了,整个大温地区都躲不过,burnaby说不定还山体滑坡呢
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢哈哈,两个地方都不算很好,当然也有好的地方,但就小孩上学来说,R中国人太多可能英文学得会慢一些,B的学校好的不多
忙工作忙学习忙儿女忙家务忙院子忙投资, 住得越久越喜欢加拿大!回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢6楼纯属个人偏见。鉴定完毕。哈哈~说起地震,谁说低于海平面的地方就得被淹啊..哈哈。地震引起的海水的波纹是不同滴,,,不是根据你的想象一地震就得往R这边灌滴,,,我个人比较喜欢R或者温哥华吧。BBY嘛,不是很熟悉。
" To your enemy, forgiveness.To an opponent,tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. "回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢richmond = 中国广东
" To your enemy, forgiveness.To an opponent,tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect. "回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢richmond = 中国广东 喜欢中国广东的就住richmond最好
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢每个人由于生长的环境不同, 教育背景不同, 经济条件不同, 家庭情况不同, 个人喜爱不同等等, 就对不同地区有各自的偏好. 对LZ而言, 确定一个地方, 可以从以下几点加以考虑: 1. 预算就这两个区来考虑, 价位相差不多. 但也可以不局限在这两个区 2. 房型同样的house, Burnaby和richmond风格有所不同. townhouse, apt 没太多差异. 3. 学校整体从学校排名看, richmond好于Burnaby,但burnaby也有好学校 4. 生活, 交通 Richmond的没有语言障碍. 地势平, 离机场近. Burnaby在大温的中心, 到哪儿都方便. 西人比例高于Richmond. 绿化覆盖率高于richmond. 5.其他 建议LZ可以登陆后, 到几个地方都走走看看, 找找感觉, 然后根据自己的实际情况, 再确定选择在哪个city生活. 同时要注意, 每个city里不同的区域也会相差很大. 仅供参考! Princess
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢谢谢各位啦,我也想着要亲眼看看再决定了。最近地质灾难这么多,大家也会考虑到这些的,不像以前几年地震总在电视电影上有哦。
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢谢谢各位啦,我也想着要亲眼看看再决定了。最近地质灾难这么多,大家也会考虑到这些的,不像以前几年地震总在电视电影上有哦。点击展开...真有地震,你以为burnaby会跑的过吗? 晕
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢象不遵守交通规则啦,抢车位不排队啦什么的,挺烦人的。 --我遇到的都是白人
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢呵呵,住在加拿大HOUSE的人怕什么地震,站到后院看看就没事了,倒是住高楼的怕怕了
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢同意
回复: 请教各位大虾,去温哥华是住Richmond还是Burnaby好呢个人喜欢Burnaby,有Metropolis,购物方便;有deer lake和Central park,举步原始森林;两路SKYTRAIN,没车出行也很方便。
Life is a long discovery 北京面试经历及交通住宿攻略温哥华Downtown感受冬奥楼上说关于richmond和burnaby地震的都有些主观了。 了解richmond地质结构的就应该知道,richmond是填海的沙土,任何一个地方,只要往下挖两三米,就会有水冒出来。这就是为什么在richmond建公寓或者townhouse要先用很多沙来吸水,然后才能建房的原因。richmond的house也都没有地下室,也是因为这个原因。一旦有同样等级的地震发生,richmond一定是遭灾最严重的地区。如果真的有很大级别的地震发生,richmond不用等海啸,就脚下的那块土地就会象冰溶入水一样被晃化了。而burnaby确实也有发生滑坡的可能。可是大家想想,这两种可能性如果都发生了,哪一种最具有毁灭性呢?哪一种的死亡率会更高呢?而如果不是那种7级以上的地震,比如6级半,burnaby可能什么都不会发生,而richmond却一定会有事。 另外,richmond现在的house和小型project的建造市场基本掌握在印度人手里,那种施工质量,嘿嘿,一晃就垮。点击展开...请看下面这段(CITY OF RICHMOND WEBSITE)Richmond's soil is made of silt and sand. The energy caused by an earthquake could take longer to dissipate and the shaking more amplified in these softer soils than it would be on firmer soil and bedrock. The good news is that these softer soils tend to absorb the damaging high frequency shaking better than areas located on rock. Richmond is Not at Significant Risk of TsunamisTsunamis are long, high ocean waves commonly generated by underwater earthquakes. Earthquake-triggered tsunamis are imperceptible on the open ocean where they have amplitudes of less than one metre, but can attain heights of thirty metres or more in shallow water.Richmond is not at great risk of tsunamis because Vancouver Island lies as a kind of breakwater between the open ocean and Richmond. If a tsunami did occur on the open ocean, it is expected that waves would dissipate to one metre or less as they moved through the Juan de Fuca Straight and the Gulf Islands.In the event of an underwater earthquake occurring just off Richmond's shores, our tidal flats are expected to absorb much of the water impacts. 176 tsunamis were recorded in the Pacific Ocean between 1900 and 1970. Of these, only one - which occurred in 1964 - caused damage to the British Columbia coast. Richmond was not affected by this tsunami.
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