加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产请教:室内植物怎么除飞虫?
06年1月FN,08年10月登陆。回复: 请教:室内植物怎么除飞虫? Home Depot [FONT=新?明篦]有卖,不仿试试[/FONT] Super sticky fly paper attracts and traps flies and insects Economically-priced fly traps for the stall, barn, or stable. Traditional sticky black fly paper easily hangs to trap house, stable, horn, face, and deer flies. Also catches mosquitoes, gnats, and other flying insects. Uses a combination of rosin, rubber, and mineral oil to trap and hold bugs. Insecticide-free alternative to chemical sprays. Safe for use around your horse, family, home, and food. Simply unroll the adhesive strip and tack to a poll, beam, or rafter. Available as a convenient 10-pack.
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