加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产银行贷款对房屋评估值
我在蒙特利尔买房子,以低于list price2万5000元左右下offer,并交了定金。事后觉得出价有点偏高,原因是当时偶家那位头脑发热造成的,对此过程不愿过多累赘。 现在,银行评估房屋价值比我出offer的价格高5000元,这是不是说明我买的还是比较值得(如是,也算是心理补偿),还是什么都说明不了? 有人会说买都买了,还去比较做什么。但是我因为第一次在加拿大买房子,不太懂,还是愿意听听大家的看法,就当做买房知识积累,谢谢。
回复: 银行贷款对房屋评估值If the house is just for yourself.It is not really important.You have to check you can afford or not.(Mortgage +Municipal,school tax,insurance,).If it is rental building that is big issue.Since right now the house price is so high,there are almose no +cash flow buildinds to buy.The goverment will increase 20-50%tax that squeez the business owner to no profit or -cash flow.If you just account your property value will increase in the future that is very dangerous and risk can lead you to bankrupcy.
回复: 银行贷款对房屋评估值我在蒙特利尔买房子,以低于list price2万5000元左右下offer,并交了定金。事后觉得出价有点偏高,原因是当时偶家那位头脑发热造成的,对此过程不愿过多累赘。 现在,银行评估房屋价值比我出offer的价格高5000元,这是不是说明我买的还是比较值得(如是,也算是心理补偿),还是什么都说明不了? 有人会说买都买了,还去比较做什么。但是我因为第一次在加拿大买房子,不太懂,还是愿意听听大家的看法,就当做买房知识积累,谢谢。点击展开...信息太简单。房子总价格多少?
回复: 银行贷款对房屋评估值接近60万的list price价格。
回复: 银行贷款对房屋评估值呵呵,个人感觉蒙特利尔很少有抢offer的时候,就算是抢,最后的offer应该都低于卖价。这一点和温哥华和多伦多不太一样。
回复: 银行贷款对房屋评估值Bank loans are loans to banks in accordance with national policy interest rate will be granted loans to fund those in need of funds and the return of an agreed period of economic behavior. Moreover, in different countries and different development stages of a country, divided by a variety of standard type of loan is different.Knee High Boots Thigh High Boots
[FONT='宋体']Christian Louboutin Christian Louboutin shoes[/FONT]回复: 银行贷款对房屋评估值我买房子的时候,银行的评估师根本没去看房子!连在外面看看都没有!
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