加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产请问,apartment和condo的区别?
回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?在多伦多, 主要区别是APT 是开发商建好后用来出租的, 不卖, 产权是建商的, 里面住的全是房客, 脏乱差吵. CONDO是建商建成前就卖了, 业主是每个投资人, 又叫公管式物业, 每个业主有产权,地权, 叫:FREEHOLD PROPERTY,又叫酒店式公寓, 装修豪化, 大堂24小时值班, 有泳池,健身房, 桌球棋牌室, 安静, 舒适, 又叫豪华公寓, 业主可将自己的整套房出租, 也可把自个多余的房间出租, 不受物业的管制.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]在多伦多, 主要区别是APT 是开发商建好后用来出租的, 不卖, 产权是建商的, 里面住的全是房客, 脏乱差吵. CONDO是建商建成前就卖了, 业主是每个投资人, 又叫公管式物业, 每个业主有产权,地权, 叫:FREEHOLD PROPERTY,又叫酒店式公寓, 装修豪化, 大堂24小时值班, 有泳池,健身房, 桌球棋牌室, 安静, 舒适, 又叫豪华公寓, 业主可将自己的整套房出租, 也可把自个多余的房间出租, 不受物业的管制.点击展开...
术在道中行 才能成大事在多伦多, 主要区别是APT 是开发商建好后用来出租的, 不卖, 产权是建商的, 里面住的全是房客, 脏乱差吵. CONDO是建商建成前就卖了, 业主是每个投资人, 又叫公管式物业, 每个业主有产权,地权, 叫:FREEHOLD PROPERTY,又叫酒店式公寓, 装修豪化, 大堂24小时值班, 有泳池,健身房, 桌球棋牌室, 安静, 舒适, 又叫豪华公寓, 业主可将自己的整套房出租, 也可把自个多余的房间出租, 不受物业的管制.点击展开...
术在道中行 才能成大事回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?condo(condominium)不是freehold的。
回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?condo(comdominium)不是freehold的。点击展开...是FREEHOLD的
来加国快七年了,学会硬道理--不要贪便宜,贵有贵的道理,便宜有便宜的原因!回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?apartment和condo都是指公寓,但apartment指租借的公寓,而condo是指owner买下的公寓。
回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?condo(comdominium)不是freehold的。点击展开... 外行说笑话,
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]外行说笑话,点击展开...你咋知道我是外行?怎么又证明你是内行呢?以下是政府部门CMHC-Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation的解释:http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/buho/hostst/hostst_003.cfmForms of Ownership People who do not rent their home, own it. There are two forms of ownership. Freehold Freehold means that one person (or two, such as joint ownership by spouses) owns the land and house outright. There is no space co-owned or co-managed with owners of other units. Freehold owners can do what they want with their property up to a point. They must obey municipal bylaws, subdivision agreements, building codes and federal and provincial laws, such as those protecting the environment. Detached and semi-detached homes, duplexes and townhouses are usually owned freehold. Condominium Condominium ownership means you own the unit you live in and share ownership rights for the common space of the building. Common space includes areas such as corridors, the grounds around the building, and facilities such as a swimming pool and recreation rooms. Condominium owners together control the common areas through an owners’ association. The association makes decisions about using and maintaining the common space. Condominium ownership is ownership of a unit, usually in a highrise but can also be a townhouse or in a lowrise. Freehold :Ownership of land and buildings (house) by one person (or two, such as joint ownership by spouses). Detached and semi-detached homes, duplexes and townhouses are usually owned freehold. Freehold owners can do what they want with their property up to a point. They must obey municipal bylaws, subdivision agreements, building codes and federal and provincial laws, such as those protecting the environment. Condominium (or strata):A unit, usually in a highrise or lowrise, or a townhouse that can be owned. You own the unit you live in and share ownership rights for the common space of the building. Common space includes areas such as corridors, the grounds around the building, and facilities such as a swimming pool and recreation rooms. Condominium owners together control the common areas through an owners’ association. The association makes decisions about using and maintaining the common space.http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/buho/hostst/hostst_011.cfm#F Freehold :Ownership of land and buildings (house) by one person (or two, such as joint ownership by spouses). Detached and semi-detached homes, duplexes and townhouses are usually owned freehold. Freehold owners can do what they want with their property up to a point. They must obey municipal bylaws, subdivision agreements, building codes and federal and provincial laws, such as those protecting the environment.http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/buho/hostst/hostst_011.cfm#C Condominium (or strata):A unit, usually in a highrise or lowrise, or a townhouse that can be owned. You own the unit you live in and share ownership rights for the common space of the building. Common space includes areas such as corridors, the grounds around the building, and facilities such as a swimming pool and recreation rooms. Condominium owners together control the common areas through an owners’ association. The association makes decisions about using and maintaining the common space.如果你不知道CMHC是什么,下面是解释: CMHC:Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. A Crown corporation that administers the National Housing Act for the federal government and encourages the improvement of housing and living conditions for all Canadians. CMHC also develops and sells mortgage loan insurance products.
回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?哈,哈, 您又说了外行话, CMHC 不是政府部门, 是政府的企事业单位: 您买过CONDO吗? 俺买的CONDO产权书上写得很清楚: FREEHOLD, 您再看清楚 CONDO那节里含有FREEHOLD, en.wikipedia.org/wikiCanadian Crown corporations are enterprises owned by the federal government of Canada (the Queen in Right of Canada[1]), one of Canada's provincial governments (the Queen in right of a province) or one of the territorial governments. Crown corporations have a long standing presence in the country and have been instrumental in the formation of the state. They are involved in everything from the distribution, use, and price of certain goods and services to energy development, resource extraction, public transportation, cultural promotion, and property management. 你咋知道我是外行?怎么又证明你是内行呢? 以下是政府部门CMHC-Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation的解释:http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/co/buho/hostst/hostst_003.cfm CondominiumCondominium ownership means you own the unit you live in and share ownership rights for the common space of the building. Common space includes areas such as corridors, the grounds around the building, and facilities such as a swimming pool and recreation rooms. Condominium owners together control the common areas through an owners’ association. The association makes decisions about using and maintaining the common space.Condominium ownership is ownership of a unit, usually in a highrise but can also be a townhouse or in a lowrise. Freehold :,,,,,,,,. Condominium (or strata):A unit, usually in a highrise or lowrise, or a townhouse that can be owned. You own the unit you live in and share ownership rights for the common space of the building. Common space includes areas such as corridors, the grounds around the building, and facilities such as a swimming pool and recreation rooms. Condominium owners together control the common areas through an owners’ association. The association makes decisions about using and maintaining the common space..点击展开...
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?What Is a Condominium? When people refer to a condominium, they are typically speaking of a form of ownership as opposed to a place to make a home. They are often thought of as being high-rise residential buildings, but could be applied to townhouse complexes, individual houses and low-rise residential buildings. In British Columbia they are known as strata and in Quebec they are referred to syndicates of co-ownership as opposed to the condominiums in Ottawa. Condos consist of two parts. The first part is a collection of private dwellings called “units”. Each unit is owned by and registered in the name of the purchaser of the unit. The second part consists of the common elements of the building that may include lobbies, hallways, elevators, recreational facilities, walkways, gardens, etc. Common elements may also include structural elements and mechanical and electrical services. The ownership of these common elements is shared amongst the individual unit owners, as is the cost for their operation, maintenance and ongoing replacement. Each unit owner has an undivided interest in the common elements of the building. This ownership interest is often referred to as a “unit factor”. The unit factor for any particular unit will generally be calculated in proportion to the value that the unit has in relation to the total value of all of the units in the condominium corporation. The unit factor will tell you what your ownership percentage is in the common elements and will be used in calculating the monthly fees that you must pay towards their upkeep and renewal. The creation of a condo is regulated by provincial or territorial condominium legislation and municipal guidelines. It can be created in many different ways. In some provinces, a developer, or other interested party, may register a declaration to create a condominium, while in others, an application may be made to have title issued for the units pursuant to an “approved plan of condominium.” The operation of condominiums is also governed by provincial or territorial legislation and the condominium corporation's own declaration, by-laws and rules. Once a condominium corporation has been established, a Board of Directors, elected by, and generally made up of, the individual condominium owners, takes responsibility for the management of the corporation's business affairs. There is usually a turnover meeting where this transfer of responsibility takes place. Each unit owner has voting rights at meetings. Your voting rights will generally be in proportion to your unit factor. What is Freehold Condominiums?The biggest difference between a freehold condominium and a regular condominium is what is included as part of the unit. In a freehold condominium, the person owns the plot of land and the structure that is on the land, With a freehold condominium, the common property elements might include access roads to the units, recreational facilities, visitor parking area or a park with a playground. These items may be the responsibility of the condominium corporation. All unit owners pay a monthly condominium fee toward their upkeep.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?newlifeinsurrey 初出茅庐§粗通皮毛注册日期: 2010-04 虽然我不是专业卖房子的,但买了condominium/strata的公寓. Codominium/Strata是指物业管理方式,一般公寓,townhouse,townhome,房屋较为集中,成片设计房屋的采用这种管理方式。它和房屋产权没有关系,一般是公寓居民选出居民代表组成委员会,然后每月开会决定公寓的维护,修缮,管理,维修基金的分配等等(每月居民委员会都要将会议总结发给各居民,每年居民委员会都要公开管理费的使用情况和维修基金的分配)。公寓居民需要每月交纳管理费,一部分用于为以后的维修基金储存,一部分作为公寓的日常保养。如果一般的独立屋single house,基本都是自己管理,维修,维护房子,割草,浇水,按时分类倒垃圾(收垃圾的车一周一次,分类回收,时间不同,一定要提前放好,错过就只能等下周),修篱笆,剪树枝,通水管,修锅炉,修电路,换灯泡,清洁屋檐下水管(温哥华雨季多,屋檐下水常常会被树叶堵住,一定要经常清理,),换屋顶,冬天清理公共路面的雪道等等,但不需要每月交管理费。Freehold 和Lease hold说明产权的形式:Freehold是永久产权,但每年也需要交地税给政府,如果自住可以申请homeowner grant来减免部分地税,我的公寓每年的地税是300左右,如果是single house,可能会更多,豪宅就更更多了,呵呵。Lease hold是租赁的产权,租赁期好像是100年,过期后要继续交钱(数目不定,原住民决定。),所以买lease hold 要注意看还剩多少使用年限,lease的土地一般是属于当地的原住民,原住民一般都有自己的保留地,那里的房子很多是lease hold,很多UBC和Whistler的房子就是lease hold,因为那里有原住民的保留地。房子的land title一般会写明自己房屋产权。上面会详细告诉你是freehold还是leasehold.所以我的公寓虽然是strata 管理,但land title写明是freehold.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?凑热闹
回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?哈,哈, 您又说了外行话, CMHC 不是政府部门, 是政府的企事业单位: 您买过CONDO吗? 俺买的CONDO产权书上写得很清楚: FREEHOLD, 您再看清楚 CONDO那节里含有FREEHOLD,点击展开...我当然知道CMHC不是真正的政府部门,我拷贝的东西里写的清清楚楚的是:A Crown corporation,不过和政府部门没什么两样,因为它administers the National Housing Act for the federal government and encourages the improvement of housing and living conditions for all Canadians. 如果它是替联邦政府管理国家房屋法(National Housing Act)的,不信它官方网站上的东西,不知道你还能信什么。我确实是没有买过condo,我只是从官方网站上去找相应的法规。官方网站上说了ownership只有两种:condo和freehold.另外你要是copy&paste,要给出出处,网上的东西多了,不是什么你都能信的。
回复: 请问,apartment和condo的区别?我当然知道CMHC不是真正的政府部门,我拷贝的东西里写的清清楚楚的是:A Crown corporation,不过和政府部门没什么两样,因为它administers the National Housing Act for the federal government and encourages the improvement of housing and living conditions for all Canadians. 如果它是替联邦政府管理国家房屋法(National Housing Act)的,不信它官方网站上的东西,不知道你还能信什么。 我确实是没有买过condo,我只是从官方网站上去找相应的法规。官方网站上说了ownership只有两种:condo和freehold. 另外你要是copy&paste,要给出出处,网上的东西多了,不是什么你的能信的。点击展开... 同意, 越讨论越清楚嘛, 就当学习了, 再说了,您是个美女呀, 俺再跟您争也没面子呀, 管它啥吧, 对俺来讲, 只要CONDO能给俺赚钱就行了,
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]同意, 越讨论越清楚嘛, 就当学习了, 再说了,您是个美女呀, 俺再跟您争也没面子呀, 管它啥吧, 对俺来讲, 只要CONDO能给俺赚钱就行了, 点击展开...不好意思,我也不和你争了,我也不是专家。我只是想贴出官方网站的东西,让有需要的同学自己去研究决定吧。
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