加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产温西水泥楼花马上开盘起价22万9
Vancouver Westside. Concrete construction. Priced from $229,900. This is Vancouver's smartest investment opportunity Over 75% of homes under $339,900 HQ Presentation Centre1336 SW Marine DriveVancouver, BC Jr 1 Bed$229,900*491-569 sq ft1 Bed$309,000*517-735 sq ft2 Bed$439,000*767-968 sq ft 感兴趣的朋友可以随时咨询。
大温地区房屋买卖查询:[email protected]回复: 温西水泥楼花马上开盘起价22万9这个地址会不会有飞机的起降噪音?
回复: 温西水泥楼花马上开盘起价22万9应该有一点,估计也能听到点高速的声音。
大温地区房屋买卖查询:[email protected]回复: 温西水泥楼花马上开盘起价22万9什么时候开盘,具体资料哪里拿? 谢谢
回复: 温西水泥楼花马上开盘起价22万9HQ VIP Limited Release Sold Out!Preview Now for our Next ReleaseWith concrete homes starting from $229,900, the value of HQ is undeniable! Our VIP Limited Release of homes were sold quickly, and They're now anxiously anticipating the next release, which promises to offer new design-engineered layouts you haven't seen before, at equally incredible value. Simply put, HQ offers the best prices in Vancouver.
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