回复: 多伦多的租房价格$1200/月, 最低时薪:$10.25 牛奶金以外就没了, 离婚的单身母亲并带孩子, 如果没工作, 还有$1000/月 政府福利, 没有工作的和低收入的(少于$10000/年) 夫妇, 小孩上幼儿园有政府补贴. 不全或不对请其他TX指正.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 多伦多的租房价格CCTB, UCCB, GST/HST credit 详细看CRA网站吧http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/bnfts/menu-eng.html 没听说过离婚的单身母亲并带孩子的福利, 估计和退税有关吧.没有工作的和低收入的(少于$10000/年) 夫妇, 小孩上幼儿园有政府补贴. -- 应该限于夫妇都有工作或全职上学,并且低收入,而且仅有部分幼儿园有SUBSIDY,排期因地区情况而异
回复: 多伦多的租房价格非常感谢Horse 和美丽人生的耐心解答!现在对于多伦多有了个基本的了解!再次感谢2位,另外一家3口现在吃饭大概花多少钱一个月,就是普通家庭,另,牛奶金全额能有多少?
回复: 多伦多的租房价格一家三口吃饭,不能出去吃,大概300元左右。小孩牛奶金可能370元左右。
回复: 多伦多的租房价格我们也差不多情况。马上就要登录了。请问一下多伦多哪个地方生活方便,治安比较好?听说jane and steel一带不太安全啊?
印刷小业主,名片,海报,宣传单,菜单,无碳复写联单,各类画册,书刊,室内招贴、装饰画。夏季特价,全彩名片20元1000张!多伦多最低价!!!回复: 多伦多的租房价格BUTHAST以西DUFFERIN, JANE和KEELE都属于黑人多的地方,还有KENNEDY和EGLINTON附近, MORNINGSIDE都出过枪击和入室抢劫什么的. 个人觉得北约克(downmills到YOUNG, sheppard到STEELS)交通便利,商场华人店多,新移民多比较适合短期过度.希望对你有帮助
回复: 多伦多的租房价格治安差,环境差的地段特别便宜,但住下来对自己对孩子都不好;好区的租金就高。有几条街的公寓,最好别租。JANE,KEELE沿线,黑人老巢;LAWRENCE从VICTORIA PARK 往东沿线,黑人、阿差多;Victoria Park从sheppard 往南沿线,公寓多,阿差为主。MACOWAN以东的公寓租的时候多跑几家,看的时候注意一下进出者的气质如何。Bachelor Apartment from $750 available One Bedroom Apartment from $895 available Two Bedroom Apartment from $1025 available Three Bedroom Apartment from $1285 available联系方式是:10, 40 & 50 Carabob Courtat Birchmount and Sheppard416-754-8523靠近沃尔玛,历史悠久的图书馆,西人食品超市NO FRILLS,综合性SHOPPING MALL,华人超市,公交车站(这些地方走路就可以到)公寓华人比例应该在80%或以上(自己没有住过,但是有几位客户曾经住过),性价比应该比较好。注意,20号和30号 Carabob Court和它们在一起,但是属于别的物业公司,差佬多些,总体情况不如10,40和50号。还可以看看这个,南北朝向的。价格稍微便宜一点点。http://www.mandrholdings.com/propert...ay_Mills_PlaceBright, spacious suites in a convenient location Rental Office: 375 Bay Mills Blvd. - (416) 298-8922 Office Hours: 8:00am to 8:00 pm - Monday to Friday 10:00am to 4:00 pm Saturday 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm Sunday Contact Us: [email protected] Suite Types Monthly Rental "Starting From" Floor Plans Bachelor $795 1 Bedroom $925 Type 1 - Type 2 2 Bedroom $995 Type 1-Type 2-Type 3 3 Bedroom $1,295 Type 1 Indoor Parking $60 Discounts Available Outdoor Parking $50 on some Suites Prices Subject to ChangeSuite Amenities Spacious private balconies / patios Appliances included: Frost-free refrigerator and stove Oversized kitchen and breakfast nook Cable and internet ready Double Sinks Door to door mail delivery Newly redecorated Parquet Flooring Building Amenities Utilities Included: Heating, Hydro, and WaterHeated inside parkingNew Modern elevatorsVideo-controlled lobbyPersonalized control access to buildingNew groundfloor laundry facilitiesLandscaped grounds Community Features Excellent location Access to 401 Across from all season golf course Close to senior centre Across from community centre, and arena距离刚才说的那个地方大概5分钟走路时间。25 bay mills blvd.是这片唯一有中央空调的,现在多伦多夏天越来越热,也可以考虑一下。http://www.capreit.net/Properties/On...Bay_Mills.aspx Well-located in a great Scarborough neighbourhood, we share our area with wonderful restaurants and shops. Our family-focused building and personable staff celebrate various occasions with parties for all residents and their families. Enjoy swimming with your family in our outdoor pool or play a game of tennis with your neighbours or cool down in our spacious air-conditioned suites. With the 401 minutes away from the building, this property is an ideal place to call home. Call Now: (416) 293-0924 1 Bedroom Starting From: $1,031 Available as early as: Oct 01, 2010

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