加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产卖生意 美国面包圈店$149,000。Maple Ridge
$149,000Bagels & More Deli Shop for sale.地点: Maple RidgeRare find specialized bagel cafe located in Valleyfair Mall with great street exposure. Being in business for 15 years, this deli shop has built a strong and wide range of customer base by providing high quality food and maintaining excellent community relationship. Current owner has been running the business successfully for 2 years without any active marketing. Consistently busy at breakfast and lunch time. A lot of catering orders, even expanding its business to Abbortsford, Mission, and hard to believe, Burnaby and Richmond! Extremely high potential here. Amazing opportunity for Canada entrepreneurs immigration program applicants. Call lister for more info. Please do not talk to staff. 专营美国面包圈,早餐晚餐和下午茶. 已经经营了15年, 收入很稳定. 来往客人很多,地点好. 企业移民可以取消条件。 如感兴可以索取照片。 (请不要去店里打搅客人和员工,谢谢)
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