加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产鼹鼠刨草地怎么办?
回复: 鼹鼠刨草地怎么办?How to Get Rid of MolesInstructions & Tipshttp://www.searchengineblog.com/how-to-get-rid-of-moles-instructions-tips/Moth balls can do the trick. Moles don’t like the smell of moth balls, but like flooding, you will need to take regular action until the little creatures decide to leave. Start at a newly-made mound, pushing three or four moth balls into the hole and down the tunnel. Then work your way along the tunnel, pushing moth balls into the ground every foot or so. The moth balls gradually evaporate underground, which is why you need to repeat the process regularly. If you find the moles push any of the moth balls out of the ground (which they often do), it becomes a war of wits. You push the moth balls back and add even more. If you do this on a daily basis, using about a packet a day, it does work, usually within about a week.
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回复: 鼹鼠刨草地怎么办?. 试试这家吧!
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