加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产玩一下游戏: 猜猜是大麻屋还是温哥华的百万元豪
玩一下游戏: 猜猜是大麻屋还是温哥华的百万元豪宅:http://www.crackshackormansion.com/The game features real Vancouver real estate listings, as of April 10th, 2010. Can you tell the difference between a crack shack and a Vancouver, BC mansion, listed for one or two million dollars? Find out! JUST FOR FUN.
David Pan Personal Real Estate Corporation, 网址:www.davidpan.ca, Sutton-Premier RealtyFV地产局前1%金牌经纪大奖, 连续多年金牌经纪欢迎关注vanhouse,微信号:davidpanteam电话:778-776-1866,778-869-2933回复: 玩一下游戏: 猜猜是大麻屋还是温哥华的百万元豪宅?有意思
回复: 玩一下游戏: 猜猜是大麻屋还是温哥华的百万元豪宅?傻逼地方,傻逼房价。
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