加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加拿大中央银行8月18日report: 建议政府调高房贷
http://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/review_summer11.pdfhttp://www.theeconomicanalyst.com/content/bank-canada-review-released-flaherty-now-under-pressure-adjust-down-payment-rules引用一小段:"最近国际上开始研讨变动(缩紧)房贷规则对房市及经济的影响。举例,国家政府可以在房市繁荣的时代增加首付的需求,而在房市萧条的时代减少首付。这样的政策可以增强国家经济体的韧性。 因为买房者会被需要已开始就拥有更高的房产净值(Equity) ,所以在房价及年薪下跌的年代减少潜在的经济损失。同时,高一点房贷首付可以经由减少贷款者能从房产净值借出的钱,来控制房价的升幅。房市的繁荣及萧条常与房贷规则的宽松化有关。我们现在来看看房贷首付提高对于房市的影响..."Recent international discussions have begun to examine the merits of adjusting mortgage market rules over time. For example, country authorities could change the maximum LTV ratio in acountercyclical fashion, lowering it during housing booms and raising it when house prices are depressed. One outcome of this type of policy is an increase in the resilience of the financial system since it requires borrowers to have a larger equity stake in their property during booms, thus reducing the potential losses to financial intermediaries during the bust phase when income and house prices fall. In addition, the lower LTV ratio (higher down payment) would act against the boom in the first place by reducing the extent to which borrowers could extract equity from their homes or take on more leverage to buy a bigger home.Christensen and Meh (forthcoming) investigate the role of a time-varying maximum LTV ratio in a model based on Christensen et al. (2009).13 They consider the impact when the public authorities respond to a credit boom by lowering the regulatory maximum LTV ratio below its long-run setting of 80 per cent. The extent of the countercyclical response of the LTV ratio is determined by a regulatory rule that links the change in the LTV ratio to the level of mortgage credit relative to its long-run value. Housing booms and busts are often attributed, at least in part, to an easing of mortgage-underwriting conditions. We now turn to the case in which lenders themselves supply more credit and consider how the outcome might differ if the LTV ratio was lowered in response.点击展开...现在就看联邦财长Jim Flaherty 如何处置这份来自中央银行的报告了。*现在的最低首付是5%
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: 加拿大中央银行8月18日report: 建议政府调高房贷 down payment 最低首付比例Looks house price in Great Vancouver will finally start to drop now.
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