加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产君庭豪城QUINTET第二期CLOSING SALE大优惠
位于CANADA LINE沿线但靠安静的MINORU街的豪华高层公寓QUINTET君庭豪城CLOSING SALE余下的单位优惠促销,家园有需要的同学请和我联系;在开发商优惠的基础上可以再给同学优惠,具体站内短消息联系或者直接打电话给我。Time is limited! After a successful run, Quintet will be closing soon. The Quintet Closing Event is this Saturday, September 17th, beginning at Noon. You will not want to miss this exciting event:- Up to $10,000 in purchase incentives for buyers, never before seen at Quintet- Gold Coin giveaways all day- Audi car show, including test driving and unprecedented Audi giveaways - Free food and beverages- AM 1320 Radio onsite Construction is moving fast and we will be demolishing the Discovery Centre to make way for the construction of the future Trinity Western University and Community Centre. Best Location. Best Price.
PETER YANG 杨天岳――专业,敬业的温哥华地产顾问CELL: 778 869 6675E-MAIL: [email protected] MARKET: 列治文,温哥华,南苏里/白石MacDonald Realty Westmar回复: 君庭豪城QUINTET第二期CLOSING SALE大优惠那么一点地方盖五栋楼
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