加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产[求救] 我按月租,每个月15号交租...
[求救] 我按月租,每个月15号交租。Oct 1st 我给60days move out notice, Dec 1st搬。房东说不行,得Dec15 才能搬???? 合同这么写。。。 "The TENANT, if not in default hereunder, shall have the option, by written notice, given to the Landlord at least 60 days before the end of the lease term, to renew the lease on the month to month basis for the further year term. It is understood and agreed that 60 days prior to expiry of the lease and any day after, the Landlord or his agent shall be permitted to access the said premise for the purpose of inspection or to show new tenants or prospective buyers at a reasonable time suitable to the tenant with advance notice."
回复: [求救] 我按月租,每个月15号交租...Landlord is correct, you are wrong. So you can moved out on Dec 15th, this is the contract ending day. YES, 你可以提前搬, 但租金是不退的.
一旦你拥有房产, 你就拥有了家园,土地,财富和主权.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: [求救] 我按月租,每个月15号交租...可以搬走啊,不过租金得交到 15 号而已。
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