加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?加拿大没有遗产税。但是人一走,他所有一生的资产(包括房产)增值部分都算这个人当年的收入,这个收入需要交税。
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?加拿大没有遗产税。 但是 人一走,他所有一生的资产(包括房产)增值部分都算这个人当年的收入,这个收入需要交税。点击展开...自住房增值部分应该不上税,即使这个人去世。不知道我的理解对不对?
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?资产的转移有增值税。20 万的房子留给子女的时候 100 万,子女要上 80 万的税。但是自身没有增值税。如果 20 万的房子涨到 100 万,在死之前屋主自己签名卖掉,一分钱的税也不用上。所以这里很多老人卖房子的时候(一般是老人进了医院,子女在卖),都比较好讲价。
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?20 万的房子留给子女的时候 100 万,子女要上 80 万的税。这个不对,加拿大的法律应该算是死去的人上的。所以不是遗产税。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake资产的转移有增值税。20 万的房子留给子女的时候 100 万,子女要上 80 万的税。但是自身没有增值税。如果 20 万的房子涨到 100 万,在死之前屋主自己签名卖掉,一分钱的税也不用上。所以这里很多老人卖房子的时候(一般是老人进了医院,子女在卖),都比较好讲价。点击展开...
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?taxable to the passed person.子女没有交税。
===================Fight, Love, Make Mistake但是自身没有增值税。如果 20 万的房子涨到 100 万,在死之前屋主自己签名卖掉,一分钱的税也不用上。点击展开...
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?Thanks, I stand corrected.
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?说法不一啊,呵呵
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?Silverkw: your statement is wrong.The increased value is nontaxable before the property is sold. But if the property is sold, regardless date of transaction, the profit is counted for income taxes. The dieing person is the same as any average person. If the dieing person has sold his property before the death, the profit is taxable. The rule of life-time "Capital Gain Deduction" can be applied to exempt the portion of profit under CGD.点击展开...我问一下律师,可能我们说的东西不同。如果一个人在死之前,卖掉自己的 PRIMARY RESIDENCE,是不需要交增值税的。然后把所得的钱留给子女,子女也是不需要交税的。
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?You'd better to ask a tax professional.Giving cash to children is not taxable to children. That is correct. That is because all cash has been taxed already in the hand of died person.In order to get cash, the died person has to pay the tax on the increased value of the property when it is sold, no matter when the property is sold. If the property is primary residence life-time capital gain exempt may apply, but it doesn't mean selling primary residence is NON-TAXABLE.Transfer property is always taxable. The only exception is between spouses.
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?You'd better to ask a tax professional.Giving cash to children is not taxable to children. That is correct. That is because all cash has been taxed already in the hand of died person.In order to get cash, the died person has to pay the tax on the increased value of the property when it is sold, no matter when the property is sold. If the property is primary residence life-time capital gain exempt may apply, but it doesn't mean selling primary residence is NON-TAXABLE.Transfer property is always taxable. The only exception is between spouses.点击展开...我们不是在说增值税吗?我没有讨论遗产税。
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?我们不是在说增值税吗?我没有讨论遗产税。点击展开...增值税 is the tax on Capital gain. The profit from selling a house is called capital gain.
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?Could you explain to me why 不需要交增值税的, 如果一个人在死之前,卖掉自己的 PRIMARY RESIDENCE?Is it because the seller is about to die? Is it because the house being sold is Primary residence? Let's see if your explanation makes sense?我问一下律师,可能我们说的东西不同。如果一个人在死之前,卖掉自己的 PRIMARY RESIDENCE,是不需要交增值税的。然后把所得的钱留给子女,子女也是不需要交税的。点击展开...
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?没看懂,越辩越乱,有没有清白的人整理一下答案啊
赏 增值税 is the tax on Capital gain. The profit from selling a house is called capital gain.点击展开...But taxes on capital gain is exempt if the property was the person's primary residence.
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?To Silverkw:Go to check the limit of the exemption and then to see if your statement here is misleading. "但是自身没有增值税。如果 20 万的房子涨到 100 万,在死之前屋主自己签名卖掉,一分钱的税也不用上。"没看懂,越辩越乱,有没有清白的人整理一下答案啊点击展开...
回复: 加拿大房屋到底有没有遗产税啊?复杂,要好好搞清楚。
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