加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破
仅仅30天就有60个新foreclosure 上市。地产经纪担忧大量的foreclosure 单位将影响整个Central Okanagan 区的房市。加西Remax副总 Elton Ash 认为大部分的foreclosure 是在几年前房市还热的时候出手买房的投资客, 近年来房市冷却,而这半年来跌势加大, 造成投资/炒房者放弃投资。 GF - 看来Kelowna 已成为地产泡沫破灭的Ground Zero.Home foreclosures skyrocket in KelownaCBC News Posted: Feb 15, 2012 8:40 AM PT Home foreclosures are on the rise in B.C.'s Central Okanagan in recent months, but local real estate agents disagree about who might be losing their homes.There are more than 170 court-ordered sale properties on the market in the Central Okanagan, more than 10 times more than three years ago.Real estate agent Jason Neumann says according to his estimates, in the last 30 days alone 60 new foreclosures were put on the market, and he calls it a disturbing trend.Neumann is worried the number of foreclosures will bring the overall market down, hurting anyone who wants to sell their home.Elton Ash, the vice-president of Remax Realty in Western Canada, says most of the foreclosed properties are from people who were trying to flip homes during the hot market a few years back."People weren't able to achieve their goals in doing this and so they quit making payments," he said."The market in the Okanagan has really come to a standstill on that speculative investment front, and that is really what has been a major portion of the court-ordered sale thing that has increased so dramatically."http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/story/2012/02/15/bc-okanagan-home-foreclosures.html
GreaterFool 大傻的温哥华房市分析站 First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.回复: Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破灭的Ground Zero?疯狂的代价,很不幸这些投资客被深度套牢了。现在地产上的任何风吹草动,会进一步绷紧投资客的神经,引发抛售的多米诺骨牌效应。
回复: Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破灭的Ground Zero?那要看在哪里投资了,没有价值的投资当然会失败,买砖头也要看地方。
回复: Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破灭的Ground Zero?那要看在哪里投资了,没有价值的投资当然会失败,买砖头也要看地方。点击展开...是啊,克罗拉哪里比得上看看弗洛里达和维加斯啊。那两个地方也是美国跌得最惨的。
回复: Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破灭的Ground Zero?没想到从Kelowna开始了。
回复: Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破灭的Ground Zero?Kelowna鸟不下蛋的地方!
回复: Kelowna 区 foreclosure 量比09年初大增10倍 - BC 泡沫破灭的Ground Zero?多伦多的国移正在发挥志愿军精神,雪夜零下20度等一晚强抢80万的房子呢
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