加拿大华人论坛 加拿大房产地产经纪制度的疑问
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问加拿大地产经纪制度是如何保证经纪为买家或卖家争取最大利益的?答案是在保证经纪最高利益的前提下!!
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问加拿大地产经纪制度是如何保证经纪为买家或卖家争取最大利益的? 答案是在保证经纪最高利益的前提下!!点击展开...没错,最重要的是小心经济的仙人跳,串通卖家提高房屋价格。举例(你就当是瞎编的,本人不负任何责任),某处房产卖家报家85万,最后130万左右成交的,大陆人买的。中间经济如何操作呢?跟买家说,有30多个人想买这个房子,所以现在实际价格已到135万了,我跟卖家商量半天,同意让利5万,你不出高价这房子你得不到手,其实这是P话,虽然看房的人多,可真正想买的没几个。通常大陆同胞是利用假期来这里买房的,国内不是有职务就是有业务,很多人的身份不想让人知道,所以是利用黄金周偷着来的。第1没时间看该房成交记录,就是以往的成交价格和政府估价,第2看房时只能凭印象,偏听了经济的欺诈,最终成交。第3是英语通常不过关,不会找白人经济。经济在成交后可以得到多少钱呢,如果原价出手经济没得多少钱,如果130万出手得多少呢?130-85=45万,这钱跟卖家分!所以很多经济根本不指手续费得钱,而且是搞仙人跳,搞成一单顶卖几十套房子的。你看人家骗了大陆人钱,还在报纸上骂大陆人炒高房价,这买卖合适吧?如果您不信,那您猜对了,我就是胡编的,不过相信很多人已对号入座了!哦,忘记说件事,律师通常是经济找的,那更惨了,这律师光收费不办事,最后搞的你花了钱,上了当还不开心,想投诉都没个证人,到时候还容易受经济恐吓!信不信由你!以上评论纯属胡编,本人不负任何法律责任。
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问俺是自己买房卖房,从来不找经纪。
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问俺是自己买房卖房,从来不找经纪。点击展开...大姐你真是好样的,怎么做的呀?悄悄告诉我!
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问俺是自己买房卖房,从来不找经纪。点击展开...赞!支持DIY!学会DIY,走遍天下都不怕!
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问5%的佣金规则早该淘汰。100年前5%可以理解,那时信息非常闭塞。TNND都啥年代了,信息资讯都如此发达,还要5%。整个一个垄断造成的。合理的应是2-3%
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问建议联系 省 联邦 议员 ,立法废除买方JJ,网上有很多类似提议,以我个人经历,买方JJ是社会公害或癌细胞,买方JJ个人应该算是 好人,我认为是 这个JJ制度或JJ体制造成的。只要禁止卖家付钱给买方JJ,即可能住房均价降20%
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问不明白,买卖房屋必须雇用经纪?没这条法律吧 我朋友买房就是自己买的,去个网站找的。那个卖主就是自己卖的,公平交易,没出一点问题,价钱上还好商量,因为双方还都省了佣金。 感觉中介很容易造成问题,跟移民一个道理。
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问没错,最重要的是小心经济的仙人跳,串通卖家提高房屋价格。举例(你就当是瞎编的,本人不负任何责任),某处房产卖家报家85万,最后130万左右成交的,大陆人买的。中间经济如何操作呢?跟买家说,有30多个人想买这个房子,所以现在实际价格已到135万了,我跟卖家商量半天,同意让利5万,你不出高价这房子你得不到手,其实这是P话,虽然看房的人多,可真正想买的没几个。通常大陆同胞是利用假期来这里买房的,国内不是有职务就是有业务,很多人的身份不想让人知道,所以是利用黄金周偷着来的。第1没时间看该房成交记录,就是以往的成交价格和政府估价,第2看房时只能凭印象,偏听了经济的欺诈,最终成交。第3是英语通常不过关,不会找白人经济。经济在成交后可以得到多少钱呢,如果原价出手经济没得多少钱,如果130万出手得多少呢?130-85=45万,这钱跟卖家分!所以很多经济根本不指手续费得钱,而且是搞仙人跳,搞成一单顶卖几十套房子的。你看人家骗了大陆人钱,还在报纸上骂大陆人炒高房价,这买卖合适吧?如果您不信,那您猜对了,我就是胡编的,不过相信很多人已对号入座了!哦,忘记说件事,律师通常是经济找的,那更惨了,这律师光收费不办事,最后搞的你花了钱,上了当还不开心,想投诉都没个证人,到时候还容易受经济恐吓!信不信由你!以上评论纯属胡编,本人不负任何法律责任。点击展开...打击中介仙人跳
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问CanChn, 请问如果不用经纪,怎么找房主?
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问各地都有网站,报纸杂志等媒介可以找到买房卖房的信息。我不在温市,还不知道当地的信息,但我想肯定是有的。没有中介,当然自己要多做些功课,但比起付给中介的钱来说,自己DIY是灰常灰常值得的。自己买/卖房,直接面对卖/买主,谈起来更具体,更有效率。房屋又什么优缺点也用不着中介给你忽悠,看好了房子,找验房师就行了。除了多知道些房源,我不知道中介还能给你什么东西值得你付给他房价的5%作为报酬。
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问自住房最好直接找卖方经纪就好了。我们投资人和经纪有另外的协议。
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问有朋友问如何自己买卖房屋,我买过两次,卖过一次,都是自己DIY,有一点要说明,都是自住房,如果是投资房,可能情况又有不同。其实,在网上有许多资讯,随便放狗一搜就有:http://www.ontariolistings.ca/sellers%20tips.htm Tips For selling your home<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 10pt"> There are lots of books and Internet resources available for selling your home. One of the best sites we've found is the Royal Banks. Here are some of the highlights. So you've decided to sell your home. Let's take a look at all the things you can do to increase your chances of success First of all, it helps to understand the mindset of the typical home buyer. Most buyers have certain priorities in mind when they shop for a house. By the time they finally make an offer to purchase, they have probably visited several places which meet their basic needs. What makes them choose one home above the others? They may weigh the pros and cons carefully, but in the end they'll often choose the one that "feels" right. So how do you make your house feel like the perfect home? The trick is to communicate subconsciously by appealing to the five senses. Try these special tips practiced by savvy real estate agents to tip the scales in your favor:Greet your visitors with the scent of fresh flowers or the aroma of freshly-baked bread or cookies Have pleasant music playing softly in the background Give the impression of spaciousness and airiness - remove bulky furniture, open the curtains, turn on extra lights Display colour photos of outdoor views during different seasons near the front and back doors Build a homey atmosphere - have family photographs tastefully arranged here and there, but don't overdo it! Add warmth whenever possible - light a fire, turn on lamps rather than overhead lights, close curtains at night See to your guests' comfort - prepare a spot for coats and footwear, and arrange seating to help them with their shoes/boots depending on the season These strategies are especially effective for open houses - an occasion when it's in your best interests to pull out all the stops. For private visits, be creative and do whatever you can on short notice to make your home appealing.Asking PriceMost sellers set their initial asking price at an amount somewhat higher than they are actually willing to accept, fully expecting a buyer to open the bidding with a lesser amount.While price is the most frequently negotiated item in any home sale, you may be able to creatively provide financial value to your buyer - without lowering the price alone. Major appliances such as your stove, fridge, dishwasher and microwave offer good negotiating power - while you'll likely be including some of them in your asking price, consider excluding some from the listing (the washer and dryer perhaps) to use as a future bargaining chip Window treatments, air conditioners and ceiling fans are other extras that might entice your buyer and can be easily included later on in a counter-offer Tips to Higher Home Prices Here are five tried-and-true tactics recommended by real estate agents to give your home an immediate face-lift. They'll cost you little - except, perhaps, some time - but are guaranteed to bring big returns when the FOR SALE sign goes up on the lawn.1. Tidy it up!Hold a garage sale to dispose of unwanted and unused furniture and appliances, odds and ends you've been saving for a rainy day, and generally anything you haven't used in the last five years.Weed out every closet mercilessly (you'll thank yourself when you start packing!) and don't forget the garage. Keep only the things you use regularly. Your home will look more organized, more spacious and more inviting.2. Fix it up!Take care of all the little maintenance tasks you never seem to have time for. Go through the house, room by room, and make a list. Open every door and window, turn on every faucet and check every lamp.Repair leaky faucets, oil squeaky hinges, tighten loose doorknobs, and make sure windows and doors open and close smoothly, and change the burnt light bulbs. Buyers notice.3. Spruce it up!It's amazing how much better your home can look with a fresh coat of paint and how much value it can add, for little cost. You don't have to repaint everything, but do consider freshening up the rooms that need it most. Use neutral colours inside.Outside, a gallon of paint on exterior trim, wooden stairs and banisters can also do wonders for your home's appearance. Label leftover paint cans for the new owners.4. Pretty it up!Curbside appeal is a big drawing card for homebuyers. Not only is it the first thing they notice when they arrive, it's the face they'll present to the world if they buy.Make the most of this opportunity and spend a Saturday tending to your lawn and garden. Mow the grass, trim the hedges, plant some flowers and weed the garden. Make sure the driveway and walkways are clear and obstacle-free. Your efforts won't go unnoticed.5. Clean it up!Now that you've been through cupboards and removed all the needless clutter, get everyone in the family involved and clean the house from top to bottom.Make sure everything sparkles and - here's the hard part - vow to keep it that way! Make sure beds are made and dishes are done before you leave the house in the morning. Interested buyers might stop by on short notice Home Inspections No home is perfect.Realizing this, buyers today are encouraged to have a home inspection done by a qualified professional prior to finalizing the sale.The inspector's role is to identify any structural problems that might affect the value of the home today or in future and, if any are identified, to give the buyer an estimate for repairs.The buyer can then accept the fault as is, renegotiate the offer or revoke it altogether.As the vendor, how much should you tell prospective buyers about defects - hidden or otherwise? Most experts agree that full disclosure is best.Aside from casting doubt on your integrity, you could jeopardize the sale entirely if your buyer discovers hidden defects during the inspection.You could also face legal actions if the home is sold and it is later discovered that you knew about a particular defect.To protect everyone's interests, many real estate boards now ask vendors to sign a statement itemizing improvements and identifying structural problems.Turn lemons into lemonade. Describe any major structural defects in the listing agreement, but add that you have reduced the price accordingly! If you choose to go it alone (and even if you don't!), you have a number of external resources you can call on for help and advice when selling your home.Don't discount the value of your banker. He or she can help you investigate your financial options - both before and after you sell - and provide you with solid financial strategies to make your home attractive to potential buyers.Consider consulting with a real estate lawyer (or notary in Quebec) before signing the final offer. Even with a real estate agent, a lawyer/notary will ensure that your interests are fully protected. If you're selling your home yourself, a professional can relieve you of the legal responsibilities associated with the sale.No matter whose help you enlist - your banker, lawyer/notary or a marketing consultant - make the most of their expertise. Involve them early on and avoid unexpected obstacles. Tips courtesy of the Royal Bank. You can go to their website for more information by clicking on the link below. Royal Bank Home Selling Center CopyrightAll photographs, images and all other site material and content on this web site are copyright of Ontariolistings.ca and may not be copied or reproduced without our written consent.All rights reserved.
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问5%的佣金规则早该淘汰。100年前5%可以理解,那时信息非常闭塞。TNND都啥年代了,信息资讯都如此发达,还要5%。整个一个垄断造成的。合理的应是2-3%点击展开...5%,这么高吗
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问暴利啊!
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问CanChn, 请问如果不用经纪,怎么找房主?点击展开...mls 不错,
回复: 地产经纪制度的疑问没错,最重要的是小心经济的仙人跳,串通卖家提高房屋价格。举例(你就当是瞎编的,本人不负任何责任),某处房产卖家报家85万,最后130万左右成交的,大陆人买的。中间经济如何操作呢?跟买家说,有30多个人想买这个房子,所以现在实际价格已到135万了,我跟卖家商量半天,同意让利5万,你不出高价这房子你得不到手,其实这是P话,虽然看房的人多,可真正想买的没几个。通常大陆同胞是利用假期来这里买房的,国内不是有职务就是有业务,很多人的身份不想让人知道,所以是利用黄金周偷着来的。第1没时间看该房成交记录,就是以往的成交价格和政府估价,第2看房时只能凭印象,偏听了经济的欺诈,最终成交。第3是英语通常不过关,不会找白人经济。经济在成交后可以得到多少钱呢,如果原价出手经济没得多少钱,如果130万出手得多少呢?130-85=45万,这钱跟卖家分!所以很多经济根本不指手续费得钱,而且是搞仙人跳,搞成一单顶卖几十套房子的。你看人家骗了大陆人钱,还在报纸上骂大陆人炒高房价,这买卖合适吧?如果您不信,那您猜对了,我就是胡编的,不过相信很多人已对号入座了!哦,忘记说件事,律师通常是经济找的,那更惨了,这律师光收费不办事,最后搞的你花了钱,上了当还不开心,想投诉都没个证人,到时候还容易受经济恐吓!信不信由你!以上评论纯属胡编,本人不负任何法律责任。点击展开... 为什么要强调“以上评论纯属胡编,本人不负任何法律责任"呢?既然是“纯属胡编”,为什么还要胡编来误导公众呢?既然来了北美,就对北美社会稍微了解一下吧。REALTOR在北美算是profession的工作。不否认,有一些华人经纪不守规矩,严重影响了经纪的社会名誉。但是,你也不至于把所有的经纪都“胡编”成那么没有职业道德吧?请查查看RE/MAX每年给慈善机构捐助多少善款吧。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]专业地产经纪 用心为您服务Cell: 778-997-9517Email: [email protected]http://blog.sina.com.cn/fanshomeshttp://www.sabrinayang.remax.com/5%,这么高吗点击展开...当然没那么高了。
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]专业地产经纪 用心为您服务Cell: 778-997-9517Email: [email protected]http://blog.sina.com.cn/fanshomeshttp://www.sabrinayang.remax.com/自住房最好直接找卖方经纪就好了。我们投资人和经纪有另外的协议。点击展开...卖方经纪只代表seller,不代表buyer. 一般内业的处理方式都是No angency with the buyer,也就是如果有任何问题或者纠纷,买家自己对自己负责,因为买家没有自己的agent代表自己。所以,聪明的买家还是会找个自己信任的agent。不论buyer有没有agent,seller付的佣金是没有任何区别的。
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